I did not make this video, but I feel it should be posted here. In it is a idea of what the Institutions these kids are sent to is like, not just where Hope will be sent, but all these kids. Please watch it today.
Hope still needs her home. Her Fifth Birthday is next month. Pray for her family to find her. Thank you.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A Little Girl Called Hope

In some countries children with disabilities are considered unadoptable and sent to institutions at a very young age, around four or five years, there to spend the rest of their lives.
I fell in love with one such child. Absolutely adorable, she had tawny colored hair and beautiful amber colored eyes, and she is almost five years old and from what I was able to read about her I would think she is very much aware about how bad she wants to have a mother. I call her Hope here, but that is not her name.
However, chances of that happening for her are very slim. For everyone to help will make them grow.
You see, Hope has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and though by the description given she can walk, talk, play and seems to be aware and independent enough - she will soon be sent to an institution to live. Once there she will most likely become unadoptable.
I wanted to adopt her. I checked her page each night, still do, to see if she was still there. She is.
But I did not meet the requirement for her country - as I am single. I took a shot in the dark
and asked about her the same. And as it is - I am not allowed by thier law to do so. And so Hope remains in an Ukrainian orphanage just shy of being sent to an institution. And Hope is just one child of many faced with this bleak future. Inspired by her and seeking a family for her - this blog was started - in hope of helping the faces of the Red Thread Children like her, disabled or able-bodied, domestic or international, wherever they are to find their forever homes.
Hope will be the first child listed as needing a home here.
So here is to Hope. And are you her family? Do you know of a family hoping to adopt a precious four or five year old little girl? Can you pass the word of her and this blog along?
For more information on where to find out about her please contact me through email or by adding comments - soon. She really has very limited time left.
[This picture is not an actual picture. Features are not exact. Thank you.]
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PS: If you have an adoption blog please consider adding us to your links. Thank you.
The Disclaimer: [required reading]
This page was meant to give kids family and hope, and yet there are still some people out there who make the below statement necessary.
The creator of this blog is not responsible for the content submitted, or the existence or availability of children listed, information, lack of or incorrect information nor for the stated conditions or situations they are in, etc.
Nor is the Creator of this Blog responsible in any way shape or form for any and all things -foreseen and unforeseen, resulting visiting this page - including all things related to the adoption, before, during or after. And by visiting here you agree you will not hold the Creator of this Blog responsible in any way. Thank you.
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The creator of this blog is not responsible for the content submitted, or the existence or availability of children listed, information, lack of or incorrect information nor for the stated conditions or situations they are in, etc.
Nor is the Creator of this Blog responsible in any way shape or form for any and all things -foreseen and unforeseen, resulting visiting this page - including all things related to the adoption, before, during or after. And by visiting here you agree you will not hold the Creator of this Blog responsible in any way. Thank you.
We are not an adoption agency. Also, this blog is not an intention to infringe on anyone's privacy. Thank you.
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"A child's hand in yours -- what tenderness and power it arouses. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength."
-Marjorie Holmes
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