There is a 13 year old Chinese girl whom is still living in China who needs to be adopted quickly, her parents have died and she is now living in an orphanage. Look at this through her eyes for a moment - to loose the people you love, and the place you love to be put into a strange place and scenario and lifestyle you do not know? - Yes, this will be the same by getting adopted, new place and a lifestyle she wont know, but there will be one big beautiful difference -- and that is the love of a family.
The reason she needs to be adopted quickly is because the Chinese government does not allow children over the ages of 14 to be adopted. Her time is really running out. I got this information from another blog and wanted to pass it on to you guys who read here, maybe you can pass it on to people you know. From that other blog:
"...she is very bright, has no health issues, and is dealing with the loss of her parents in a "normal" way. In addition, her parents truly loved her; she was well cared for. If you know anyone who might have an interest."
Please pass this along. Thank you.
There is a 13 year old girl in china desperately needing a family. She turns 14 next month and after that will never be adopted. Please help in anyway you can! [Posted January 16, 2011]
This older boy in China is 13 and has only 20 days left to find his family before he can never be adopted, ever. PLEASE CONSIDER HIM [posted Dec 21, 2010] This boy now has a forever family! Thank you everyone.
[Entry Edited 06.04.10, Link Checked 05.20.2012] [Link Checked 09.1012, page no longer exists]: I get a lot of hits from searches for 'China Adoption, Older Child' and they usually lead to this blog entry. Click here for few more older kids in China needing forever homes.
*EDITED OCT 7, 2010: **EDITED SEPT 10, 2012
The following link seems to be outdated. Most of the content removed. Link remains in case of updates.
*EDITED 9.10.2012, **EDITED 9.15.2012:
Dawn has a family now too!
From her Reece's Rainbow Profile:
Girl, born Feb 1999
SN: paralysis of bilateral lower limbs
She has spina bifida and is in a wheelchair, but she is able to get into and out of the chair on her own and can get up stairs on her own. She does her own self-care independently.
Someone who knows her personally wrote:
Dawn is 12 and a half, and will age out of the program in 18 months, she is aware of this. She is studying grade 4 in local school – and doing well. She is confident, articulate and happy.
Dawn already has a degree of understanding that adoption to another culture and language would be difficult (she is used to playing and being around non-speaking foreign people that come to the centre on short term teams), however, she has stated that she would like to have a family, and that she would like to go abroad. She is willing to work to overcome language difficulties for that. She is also aware that education, future jobs and life in a place like the USA would be easier for her than in China where wheelchair uses are still not supported well.
For more information contact Reece's Rainbow by clicking here.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this. I'll pass it on.
Beckett Gray
Author - "The Dragon Tribe"
Blog - The Dragon Sisterhood
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