Some people see only Santa Claus at Christmas. Some don't. Did you know that Santa Claus was indeed a real person - not a myth or a lie - he was St. Nicholas. Did you know that St. Nicholas was adopted by his uncle after his parents died? Did you know he used his parents inheritance to help the poor? Did you know that beyond Christmas he is known as the Patron Saint of Children and that Patron Saints are said to have lived a life as a worthy example of how to faithfully follow Jesus Christ?
Did you know he loved God?
At Christmastime, growing up in my family, there was always a Santa Claus. And at the same time, from when we were the smallest of children, my mom and dad instilled in us the holy value of what Christmas really was all about - the birth of our savior Jesus Christ - we knew that, without a doubt. We would have [and still have] the nativity scene, every year we would perform Christmas play of the 3 Kings and the Shepherds coming to visit the baby Jesus. Every year, I got to be the angel - to the point of having the verse memorized in my head:
"Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger."
This, my family, my friends, is what Christmas is about. We grew up lovingly and knowing it with our whole hearts. And Santa Claus? Well, my mother never even had to sit down and give us the 'he isn't real' talk. Because as we grew we came to know what Santa Claus -St. Nicholas- embodied- the spirit of giving, the spirit of Christmas - to be carried all through the year; for the Glory of God.
For that reason I still believe.
There will always be a Santa Claus in my/our home. Everyone has their own Christmas Traditions and beliefs, and cherish and love them and that is wonderful. I just thought I'd take a moment to share our own. From my house to yours, peace, love and joy this Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas.
--Debrah and Family
1 comment:
Merry Christmas to you my friend. May you have a wonderful celebration!
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