...yes, you all, so many of you have stepped forward in this and I am grateful, and so is his family I am sure, please do not think this is a lack of gratitude because it goes beyond measurable words -- thank you.
And yes, you all, I am asking again for people to help Freddie's family any way they can, funding, prayers or word of mouth or blogging -- do whatever you can. I've seen blogging work miracles. I want to help. Its all I can do! So I am shouting it loud and clear. This is Freddie's last chance, when he turns 16 he can't be adopted. Lets work a miracle for Freddie!
You see, Freddie, is 15, his family is one week away from travel and have come to another road bump. The family that is trying to adopt him can say it better than I can, please read about this road bump here and help them however you can. Thank you.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Stop Reading and Go Get Them...
Hi Everyone.
About the blog title, I don't say it bitterly, I don't say it with anger or with contempt. I say it as a plea. 90% of you are likely on this blog because you are interested in some way about adoption. That said -- if you can adopt, if you meet the requirements, adopt, do it now. Go and get one of these kids, or one of these kids. They are not just a last resort to infertility -- they are children. If you can't adopt right now sponsor or talk about them any way you can so that someone who can adopt can go and get them.
If you are here and haven't thought of adopting, why not? Do you qualify? If you've always thought you would adopt 'someday' then why isn't that day today? These kids cannot wait for 'someday' -- I can't write it enough, their lives are at stake RIGHT NOW.
Does it cost alot -- you bet. Isn't it a hassle -- absolutely so. Won't having a kid shake up your life so much more than the comfortable way you live it now -- yes, wonderfully so. Do you think they are comfortable sitting in cribs, barely being fed and only being 'bathed' part of the time? Shouldn't we be compassionate enough to give up our comfortable lives only to help the lives of a little boy or girl, or at that -- a big boy or girl-- that they might be comfortable, happy and fed? And when its all said and done this child will become such a part of your life you couldn't imagine how you ever lived without them in it?
I am struggling with my own trial, I have been now for six years. My question to God was this; "What is all this free agency stuff? How come I can't have what I want? How come I have to give up my own happiness and everything I want all the time so everyone else can be happy? How come I have to give up everything I have for someone else?" I prayed this question, I begged this question, I shouted this question out in anger for years... years.
And one night while cleaning the tables at work I was hit with the answer to that question; Jesus gave up everything -- everything for all of us. He gave up everything for people who even hated him ...aren't we supposed to be like Jesus?
So how much will it cost? Won't it be hard? Won't it hurt and will it make a difference to get one of these kids?
How much did it cost Jesus to do what he did for us? Don't you think it was hard? Don't you think it hurt?
And now the big one: Don't you think it made a difference?
I am not asking you to save the world, just the world for one little kid. You can be the difference in thier lives, you can take them out of these cribs and love them, and they can be the difference in your lives too... amazingly so.
Adeye writes it better than I can ever say in this entry on her blog. Look at those kids everyone. Those children specifically and that blog entry inspired this blog entry. Could one of them be yours? Really, one little child? Isn't it worth it?
I will keep talking for them. Keep in mind, you can speak your mind, yell at me all you want and tell me how out of line I am -- but I will not post the comment here. This blog is about HOPE and that is what I am trying to do here. Such a small percentage of the population can make it so there are no more orphans in this world. So -- why don't we?
On a side note,
Mara, the little girl I fell in love with, has disappeared from the Reece's Rainbow site and I don't know why. I had hoped she finally had a family but every time I check she's not posted on the my family found me page yet. So pray for Mara with me? That she might be ok.
About the blog title, I don't say it bitterly, I don't say it with anger or with contempt. I say it as a plea. 90% of you are likely on this blog because you are interested in some way about adoption. That said -- if you can adopt, if you meet the requirements, adopt, do it now. Go and get one of these kids, or one of these kids. They are not just a last resort to infertility -- they are children. If you can't adopt right now sponsor or talk about them any way you can so that someone who can adopt can go and get them.
If you are here and haven't thought of adopting, why not? Do you qualify? If you've always thought you would adopt 'someday' then why isn't that day today? These kids cannot wait for 'someday' -- I can't write it enough, their lives are at stake RIGHT NOW.
Does it cost alot -- you bet. Isn't it a hassle -- absolutely so. Won't having a kid shake up your life so much more than the comfortable way you live it now -- yes, wonderfully so. Do you think they are comfortable sitting in cribs, barely being fed and only being 'bathed' part of the time? Shouldn't we be compassionate enough to give up our comfortable lives only to help the lives of a little boy or girl, or at that -- a big boy or girl-- that they might be comfortable, happy and fed? And when its all said and done this child will become such a part of your life you couldn't imagine how you ever lived without them in it?
I am struggling with my own trial, I have been now for six years. My question to God was this; "What is all this free agency stuff? How come I can't have what I want? How come I have to give up my own happiness and everything I want all the time so everyone else can be happy? How come I have to give up everything I have for someone else?" I prayed this question, I begged this question, I shouted this question out in anger for years... years.
And one night while cleaning the tables at work I was hit with the answer to that question; Jesus gave up everything -- everything for all of us. He gave up everything for people who even hated him ...aren't we supposed to be like Jesus?
So how much will it cost? Won't it be hard? Won't it hurt and will it make a difference to get one of these kids?
How much did it cost Jesus to do what he did for us? Don't you think it was hard? Don't you think it hurt?
And now the big one: Don't you think it made a difference?
I am not asking you to save the world, just the world for one little kid. You can be the difference in thier lives, you can take them out of these cribs and love them, and they can be the difference in your lives too... amazingly so.
Adeye writes it better than I can ever say in this entry on her blog. Look at those kids everyone. Those children specifically and that blog entry inspired this blog entry. Could one of them be yours? Really, one little child? Isn't it worth it?
I will keep talking for them. Keep in mind, you can speak your mind, yell at me all you want and tell me how out of line I am -- but I will not post the comment here. This blog is about HOPE and that is what I am trying to do here. Such a small percentage of the population can make it so there are no more orphans in this world. So -- why don't we?
On a side note,
Mara, the little girl I fell in love with, has disappeared from the Reece's Rainbow site and I don't know why. I had hoped she finally had a family but every time I check she's not posted on the my family found me page yet. So pray for Mara with me? That she might be ok.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
...my two cents on a few things:
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. "
--Mother Teresa
People ask me why, still, adopt overseas orphans instead of our own. The fact is I am not saying not to adopt our own at all. I think all orphans need a family, here or overseas. I believe that God knows and will lead you where to go, sure, it might look like it is yourself, and agencies, etc -- but was it a successful adoption, or did it fall through? If it doesn't work, most likely it wasn't meant to be. I know that is why I can't adopt right now. I don't have the means but the means will come.
So, why Overseas? They will die without us. In cribs or beds, alone, its not just something people whom advocate for them say -- it is the sad truth -- they will be transferred to institutions like these [warning, disturbing content] -- and not just in the country featured in the example video.
Yes, they are disabled. But they are JUST KIDS. Taken out of conditions like those shown they can thrive, improve, develop, learn and grow.
I read a story once on an adoptive mother's blog about how the orphanage her daughter was at was not expecting her and she walked in to find all the kids tied to the wooden slats of a playpen when she went to visit her little girl.
Here, this is neglect and child abuse. Here, the perpetrator would be investigated, arrested, tried and if found guilty -- sent to jail. There -- these people are paid to do this. These children are OBJECTS to most, less than animals, a paycheck to take home. Yes, that sounds harsh. I know, but it is the hard reality of MOST over there.
In the USA, this does not happen. These kids here are in 'the system' yes, but they have A CHANCE. However slight it is, they at least have a chance to make it and the support and help they need, they get to go to school and get an education, they are integrated into a family with the idea of being taught values behind it. They are valued members of society.
In the United States most people want toddlers or babies, its hard to be an older child or a teen. The stigma is that older kids are already 'wired' to act one way or another and are not shape-able anymore. -- Right. Tell me, at what age do you stop learning and loving and growing emotionally and spiritually?
In International Adoptions most people want toddlers or babies too. Most often when you say international adoption you think of China. China, is one of the hardest, if not the hardest program to adopt from in the world. You can't be single, you can't be over a certain age, you even have to fall within a certain BMI weight as well. These are just a few of their requirements. I've heard they say its because they are trying to find 'families for children' not 'children for families'
That, I applaud and agree with. And yet, find hard to believe. Why does adopting from China take over two years?? They say its because they don't have enough kids there? And yet you have kids in china just sitting in orphanages and waiting and dying that are considered "not adoptable" why? Because they are missing a leg, have a cleft palate, have down syndrome, cerebral palsy? Is it because they were born a girl? There are PLENTY of children in China for ALL people to bring home. So why don't they let them go? Are their requirements for who is adoptable and whom is not just as strict?? They don't want them -- they allow only one kid per household. That in itself is adding to the problem of their over population, because they all only can have one child - most little girls get abandoned because boys carry the family name. Yet, abandoned girls are STILL there. They are STILL adding to the population. Soo.. why not allow TWO children per household?? This will give them a second chance to have a boy AND get kids out of orphanages and out of streets -- thus causing a drop in population. Sadly, China is not the only country.
I know that I am outside of the picture in all of these scenarios and as such I don't have all the facts, only just what I think and see, and so might be a bit unfair in my judgment. I do not understand these ways and how this is right. This blog gets MANY international hits daily. I am not trying to offend anyone or say that I understand their ways.
Another little girl in an East European orphanage died last week, without her family, alone. Her special need -- she was blind. Thats it. So how does a blind child die at age 4?
Like with Elton John when he wanted to adopt an HIV baby boy from Ukraine and was denied because he didn't have a 'legal marriage,' because it was policy. So what. He is a knight for goodness sake. That aside, if its about the kids, why not give them to the people whom want them, whom can love them and give them life? How can it be better for the child to be left in an orphanage as another statistic to die?
Just my two cents, that's all. I know I am waaay out of the picture and only have the half of it. But I, for one, want to adopt from Foster Care. I want to adopt from Overseas. Older kids or younger, whomever God places in my family.
Adopt kids from the USA, whole-heartily and yes I intend to, but also kids from overseas too. God doesn't pick one over the other - why should we? He loves "all the children of the world", and so should we. How can you love God, and not his children? All of them?
Take care, everyone.
--Mother Teresa
People ask me why, still, adopt overseas orphans instead of our own. The fact is I am not saying not to adopt our own at all. I think all orphans need a family, here or overseas. I believe that God knows and will lead you where to go, sure, it might look like it is yourself, and agencies, etc -- but was it a successful adoption, or did it fall through? If it doesn't work, most likely it wasn't meant to be. I know that is why I can't adopt right now. I don't have the means but the means will come.
So, why Overseas? They will die without us. In cribs or beds, alone, its not just something people whom advocate for them say -- it is the sad truth -- they will be transferred to institutions like these [warning, disturbing content] -- and not just in the country featured in the example video.
Yes, they are disabled. But they are JUST KIDS. Taken out of conditions like those shown they can thrive, improve, develop, learn and grow.
I read a story once on an adoptive mother's blog about how the orphanage her daughter was at was not expecting her and she walked in to find all the kids tied to the wooden slats of a playpen when she went to visit her little girl.
Here, this is neglect and child abuse. Here, the perpetrator would be investigated, arrested, tried and if found guilty -- sent to jail. There -- these people are paid to do this. These children are OBJECTS to most, less than animals, a paycheck to take home. Yes, that sounds harsh. I know, but it is the hard reality of MOST over there.
In the USA, this does not happen. These kids here are in 'the system' yes, but they have A CHANCE. However slight it is, they at least have a chance to make it and the support and help they need, they get to go to school and get an education, they are integrated into a family with the idea of being taught values behind it. They are valued members of society.
In the United States most people want toddlers or babies, its hard to be an older child or a teen. The stigma is that older kids are already 'wired' to act one way or another and are not shape-able anymore. -- Right. Tell me, at what age do you stop learning and loving and growing emotionally and spiritually?
In International Adoptions most people want toddlers or babies too. Most often when you say international adoption you think of China. China, is one of the hardest, if not the hardest program to adopt from in the world. You can't be single, you can't be over a certain age, you even have to fall within a certain BMI weight as well. These are just a few of their requirements. I've heard they say its because they are trying to find 'families for children' not 'children for families'
That, I applaud and agree with. And yet, find hard to believe. Why does adopting from China take over two years?? They say its because they don't have enough kids there? And yet you have kids in china just sitting in orphanages and waiting and dying that are considered "not adoptable" why? Because they are missing a leg, have a cleft palate, have down syndrome, cerebral palsy? Is it because they were born a girl? There are PLENTY of children in China for ALL people to bring home. So why don't they let them go? Are their requirements for who is adoptable and whom is not just as strict?? They don't want them -- they allow only one kid per household. That in itself is adding to the problem of their over population, because they all only can have one child - most little girls get abandoned because boys carry the family name. Yet, abandoned girls are STILL there. They are STILL adding to the population. Soo.. why not allow TWO children per household?? This will give them a second chance to have a boy AND get kids out of orphanages and out of streets -- thus causing a drop in population. Sadly, China is not the only country.
I know that I am outside of the picture in all of these scenarios and as such I don't have all the facts, only just what I think and see, and so might be a bit unfair in my judgment. I do not understand these ways and how this is right. This blog gets MANY international hits daily. I am not trying to offend anyone or say that I understand their ways.
Another little girl in an East European orphanage died last week, without her family, alone. Her special need -- she was blind. Thats it. So how does a blind child die at age 4?
Like with Elton John when he wanted to adopt an HIV baby boy from Ukraine and was denied because he didn't have a 'legal marriage,' because it was policy. So what. He is a knight for goodness sake. That aside, if its about the kids, why not give them to the people whom want them, whom can love them and give them life? How can it be better for the child to be left in an orphanage as another statistic to die?
Just my two cents, that's all. I know I am waaay out of the picture and only have the half of it. But I, for one, want to adopt from Foster Care. I want to adopt from Overseas. Older kids or younger, whomever God places in my family.
Adopt kids from the USA, whole-heartily and yes I intend to, but also kids from overseas too. God doesn't pick one over the other - why should we? He loves "all the children of the world", and so should we. How can you love God, and not his children? All of them?
Take care, everyone.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Freddie!

Hi Freddie,
...oh you don't know it yet but you are going to be getting the best present this year -- your family is on their way and bringing lots of love with them! Hugs to you and happy 15'th! You will be home soon.
...Another Blog I Read Suggested we Should Watch This...
...they were right. It is far worth the nine minutes. It's a shame that people in our society today still feel the need to act like this. I would like to add it as an embedded video but I cannot find the code, so I will provide a Link HERE instead. Have a good day everyone.
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