“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” -― St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, September 14, 2009

Stop Making Excuses...

...why, if there is someone wanting this child, especially Elton John, is it better for him to remain in a orphanage than where someone can love him and obviously take care of him? How is that better for the child - tell me how, how HOW is it possibly better for the child to stay socially and mentally under developed with a stigma of HIV on him the rest of his life in an orphanage and then in an instatution - when he can have love and help and a LIFE? When someone wants him? You all, I am a bit upset, I can't even get it out in appropriate words at this point - to say I don't understand doesn't stress it enough, doesn't say it enough.


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