“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” -― St. Francis of Assisi

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Little Boy and I...

...share a birthday! When I saw that I was like, well, we have common ground and a connection! I absolutely must tell you all about him. From his profile at Reece's Rainbow:

Alexander (20)

OH, what a difference a new picture can make!! Alexander has been listed with us for more than 2 years, and not a soul has ever inquired about him. Up until now, the only photos we have had of him were laying down in a crib, never showing him up and mobile and active! But look at him!! What a great smile, and so much life in him!
Alexander is a handsome little boy who really needs a loving family. He has dark hair and brown eyes. He is already 5! He was born with a minor PDA, but does not have pulmonary hypertension. He also has flat feet. Please give Alexander the chance to grow up in a loving family He has already turned 5, so he is facing imminent institutionalization!

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