The financial burden has been taken away. God is so good! God is good and his people are amazing, in five days, the 20,000 needed for Yulia's (see post below) adoption to be funded has been made! 313 people over a matter of just five days has made this possible, and those are just the ones who were able to chip in before the goal was reached. I am certain there are many others out there whom would have liked to do so, just as I am pretty certain your donations will still be more than welcomed. Beyond that 313 are the many many people who talked about her and prayed for her and continued to pass the word on. This is a countless army marching for this sweet girl, amazing to watch the hand of God, amazing to watch this true miracle come to life in front of us all.
Thank you Adeye for answering his call. It was your most important post, and one very special little girl on the other side of the sea is very very loved. Her life has already been used for his Glory and is so gently cradled in his hand. He has her a very special family picked out I am certain. Keep praying that He leads them forth. I can't wait to see who is chosen for her, and will include that update here too. Thank you God for your miracle. Thank you for this precious little girl. Thank you for letting us all be part of her life. I didn't start it, but I want to thank everyone who prayed, paid, cried or passed word on. Keep going. We need to find her family now. God's Army on the move. Onward soldiers, pray on.
From the Bottom of My Heart,
This song goes out to my sweet Mara too, this child whom has been on my heart for years. Whom has to have decisions made for her. Please, without too much detail, pray for her tonight. God is greater than the will of men, there is no impossible with him. We have seen miracle here in a matter of days. Pray, pray hard, for another. Your few seconds of silent whispered prayer while even reading this can move mountains and change her life. 'That's what faith can do.'
Thank you everyone. With love, and have a good night.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
God is Calling His Army...

But for sweet princess Yulia, that isn't all of it. Baby Yulia has an extremely rare condition called Cockayne Syndrome. This is a disorder that causes pre-mature aging.. giving children who are born with it a shortened lifespan most commonly between 4 and 10 years... other symptoms include imparment of hearing and and vision, degeneration of the central nervous system, and so on.
Oh my goodness, to have to go through life faced with that? And then to have to go through life alone without love, without worth, without value, without someone to hold you and assure you when you are afraid. I can't even start to imagine it! This, I am guessing, is the reason that sweet little Yulia is left in a laying room just waiting to die. Yes, everyone, waiting to die. Tears threaten my eyes at that thought. How can this happen? Why should it be allowed to happen? Why does it have to happen this way?
Thing is everyone -- it doesn't have to happen this way. It shouldn't be allowed to happen and further -- it CAN'T happen. God's army is being called to stop it from happening.
Lets go back to 3 in the morning for a moment. I woke up with the urge to check my computer, and there the post about Yulia was. I was astonished and in tears. This little girl, Yulia, has been tugging on my mind ever since I heard about her. I remember just a few days ago I was laying there thinking about her for no real reason and I found myself terrified that no one would go for her. Who could? Who could love someone just to loose them like that and knowing they would loose them like that? Who would willingly let their hearts be broken like that. I felt that would be, outside of funding, the biggest block to this baby getting a family -- the fear of loosing her. But those dispairing thoughts were cut short with the memory of Miss Chrissie Patterson... and the family who went for her and loves her still and what she taught and moved thousands of people with in her little precious life. Oh my, someone is out there who will wrap thier arms around little Yulia if only they could, if only they had the funds. Fear is huge but God is bigger, put it aside and allow yourself to give into him and that selfless kind of love. I came to realise then that I would go and get her. I would have to shove that fear of loosing her aside and would gladly do so if only to know and give that precious kind of love. Would it be easy - no. Would it hurt, absolutely so. But would it be worth it just to feel her little fingers latch onto yours for that wisdom and reassurance that no matter what happens, you love her and are there to protect her, that no matter what happens --- it WILL be alright.
That is what love is. But, with tears I have to face it and tell myself -- I can't go and get her... for all the same reasons I couldn't go and get any child from over there. But what I can do is listen to God's call to summon his army to burst open windows and doors for this little girl. Adeye started something this morning with her blog post for Yulia -- asking us all to give money or at least post her on our blogs and twitter and facebook accounts, to get her story out there to open these doors for her, to tell the world about Yulia... loud and clear -- because its what God wants. How do I know that? He doesn't have plans to hurt us.
So I tossed and turned it all over in my head, trying to think of how to write this blog, knowing I had to do this but not knowing how. Finally, I just sat down and wrote whatever came out. And if the God of the Universe has put this child on my heart and asked me to March forward for her -- I will. Won't you? What she needs most is a family, if she has a family the money will follow. If someone out there hears about her in all our shouting, will step forward. And if you can't be that family, she needs money, so that all her family has to do is the paperwork and get on a plane for her. For this precious angel we need to take away the barrier of cost. Can you donate to her grant fund? You can find it here. Or you can donate through the red chip in box in the right side bar of your screen. Please help in any way you can, even if it is just telling about her and posting her picture and story on your blog. Yes, there is a family for Yulia. We just have to find them...
If anyone would like more information about Yulia please contact Andrea Roberts at Reece's Rainbow or Adeye at
[mean and hurtful comments will be immediately deleted]
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Corinthians 13:4-8:
"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservers. Love never fails."
A Moment of Silence
Today, you all know, is the anniversary of the tragic event. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people lost and their families. Like Pearl Harbor, this is another day that will live on in our memories forever, and in the memories of generations to come. Do you remember the way we all stood united that day despite race or political party? We had people who didn't even know each other holding the flag of this country high in the streets. That is what America is -- ONE nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible... with Liberty and Justice for all -- these are more than just words but a way of life.
With Honor to all our heroes, the fallen and those left to carry on..
God Bless America.
With Honor to all our heroes, the fallen and those left to carry on..
God Bless America.
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"A child's hand in yours -- what tenderness and power it arouses. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength."
-Marjorie Holmes
-Marjorie Holmes
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