Hey everyone, I wanted happy news today and I got it!
Back in January I wrote this this entry, [controversial topic]. Well, guess what -- the friend I wrote about in it that has miscarried five babies in a row, well, she's pregnant again.
Having first considered keeping the pregnancy secret until they knew if she could carry the baby she thought instead to tell everyone, and to ask that they might tell everyone so we can all unite in prayer.
If you pray, please please pray for Kathryn and that this little baby might be held in his hands and hopefully that the baby will stay with us. They have no idea why they lost the first five, the doctors could never figure it out. If you don't pray, please keep your thoughts with her when you can. She is barely 1 month along and would give anything for this child. Oh yeah and yes - they are considering adoption too!
Its such good news! - am about to cry! Happy tears, all, happy, happy tears. I will be making a support button for them soon.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I Know, Four Entries in One Day...
I thought maybe two and came out with 3 at first, and now here is the fourth -- when sometimes all I post is four entries a month. Do you ever feel like something is happening somewhere and you just can't stop? For whatever reason I feel I needed to add this here today [found it on another blog I was visiting] as well:
by Erma Bombeck
Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures, and a couple by habit. This year, nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?
Somehow I visualize God hovering over Earth selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As he observes, he instructs his angels to make notes in a giant ledger. 'Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Matthew. Forrest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecelia. Rudledge, Carrie, twins, patron saint...give her Gerard. He's used to profanity.'
Finally he passes a name to an angel and smiles, 'Give her a handicapped child.'
The angel is curious, 'Why this one, God? She's so happy.'
'Exactly,' says God. 'Could I give a handicapped child a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel.'
'But has she patience?' asks the angel.
'I don't want her to have too much patience, or she will drown in a sea of self pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has his own world. She has to make him live in her world, and that's not going to be easy.'
'But, Lord, I don't think that she even believes in you.'
God smiles, 'No matter. I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just enough selfishness.'
The angel gasps, 'Selfishness? Is that a virtue?'
God nods, 'If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a spoken word. She will never consider a step ordinary. When her child says Momma for the first time, she will be present at a miracle and know it! When she describes a tree or a sunset to her blind child, she will see it as few people ever see my creations.'
'I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice...and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life, because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side.'
'And what about her patron saint?' asks the angel, pen poised in midair.
God smiles, 'A mirror will suffice.'
by Erma Bombeck
Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures, and a couple by habit. This year, nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?
Somehow I visualize God hovering over Earth selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As he observes, he instructs his angels to make notes in a giant ledger. 'Armstrong, Beth, son, patron saint Matthew. Forrest, Marjorie, daughter, patron saint Cecelia. Rudledge, Carrie, twins, patron saint...give her Gerard. He's used to profanity.'
Finally he passes a name to an angel and smiles, 'Give her a handicapped child.'
The angel is curious, 'Why this one, God? She's so happy.'
'Exactly,' says God. 'Could I give a handicapped child a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel.'
'But has she patience?' asks the angel.
'I don't want her to have too much patience, or she will drown in a sea of self pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has his own world. She has to make him live in her world, and that's not going to be easy.'
'But, Lord, I don't think that she even believes in you.'
God smiles, 'No matter. I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just enough selfishness.'
The angel gasps, 'Selfishness? Is that a virtue?'
God nods, 'If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a spoken word. She will never consider a step ordinary. When her child says Momma for the first time, she will be present at a miracle and know it! When she describes a tree or a sunset to her blind child, she will see it as few people ever see my creations.'
'I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice...and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life, because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side.'
'And what about her patron saint?' asks the angel, pen poised in midair.
God smiles, 'A mirror will suffice.'
I Do - Part 2
Hi everyone,
Ok, this is 'the big one' for today, because it is about a topic that has been on my mind for a few days now, brought on by a conversation I had with someone the other day.
Back in November I wrote this entry, and more specifically from that entry concerning the topic of the conversation mentioned above, the following paragraphs:
"I don't want to leave this on that grim note. So, please join me when you read this in a prayer for all these children. About 7% of the Christian population alone can lead to no more orphans in the entire world. That's it. I read the site Over the Moon With Joy and encourage you to visit there. I have decided to join her prayers that adoption might be brought into people's hearts, that all these kids might come home.
And that is not to say only Christan's should adopt. Love is something that belongs to everyone everywhere. Its just to display a 'statistical measurement' of how few people it would really take. :)"
And that was the 'just' of the conversation had. Now, keep in mind, if you look around this blog - that I am religious. And there is this - just because someone doesn't choose to follow one particular religion or any religion for that matter does not mean their home would be any less loving than anyone else's.
Is it better to let them sit waiting in an orphan home NEVER knowing real love at all? Especially when there is a family for them?
I think believing is very important and it does help, yes, and I will never doubt or discourage what to me is a fact. But I will not discourage any family that steps out to get these kids. I encourage them very much. We've all heard it said that "Religion God accepts as pure is to care for widows and orphans." And so to step forward - in my opinion it can't get more believing that that.
And like I said back in November: Love is something that belongs to everyone everywhere. Wonderful families are everywhere too.
Thank you for your time.
Ok, this is 'the big one' for today, because it is about a topic that has been on my mind for a few days now, brought on by a conversation I had with someone the other day.
Back in November I wrote this entry, and more specifically from that entry concerning the topic of the conversation mentioned above, the following paragraphs:
"I don't want to leave this on that grim note. So, please join me when you read this in a prayer for all these children. About 7% of the Christian population alone can lead to no more orphans in the entire world. That's it. I read the site Over the Moon With Joy and encourage you to visit there. I have decided to join her prayers that adoption might be brought into people's hearts, that all these kids might come home.
And that is not to say only Christan's should adopt. Love is something that belongs to everyone everywhere. Its just to display a 'statistical measurement' of how few people it would really take. :)"
And that was the 'just' of the conversation had. Now, keep in mind, if you look around this blog - that I am religious. And there is this - just because someone doesn't choose to follow one particular religion or any religion for that matter does not mean their home would be any less loving than anyone else's.
Is it better to let them sit waiting in an orphan home NEVER knowing real love at all? Especially when there is a family for them?
I think believing is very important and it does help, yes, and I will never doubt or discourage what to me is a fact. But I will not discourage any family that steps out to get these kids. I encourage them very much. We've all heard it said that "Religion God accepts as pure is to care for widows and orphans." And so to step forward - in my opinion it can't get more believing that that.
And like I said back in November: Love is something that belongs to everyone everywhere. Wonderful families are everywhere too.
Thank you for your time.
Hey everyone in blog land,
Yesterday afternoon I went looking around the net and found this:
This girl has been adopted by a family here in the US - and yet she is not being allowed to come to join them by our government. Why - because of TB screening, the catch is she has already had TB in the past and the treatment for it. Yet because of the scarring, she has to wait more months?
I can honestly can see both sides of this issue, but I am leaning toward the family. This girl has had this, she no longer does, nor is she contagious or a threat. I realize that we can't allow laws to change for one child, but this isn't a sick child, I think? Or am I wrong? I also know that TB is not a condition to be messed with.
Anyway I thought it was worth passing their blog along.
Yesterday afternoon I went looking around the net and found this:
This girl has been adopted by a family here in the US - and yet she is not being allowed to come to join them by our government. Why - because of TB screening, the catch is she has already had TB in the past and the treatment for it. Yet because of the scarring, she has to wait more months?
I can honestly can see both sides of this issue, but I am leaning toward the family. This girl has had this, she no longer does, nor is she contagious or a threat. I realize that we can't allow laws to change for one child, but this isn't a sick child, I think? Or am I wrong? I also know that TB is not a condition to be messed with.
Anyway I thought it was worth passing their blog along.
adopt older child,
adopt teens,
international adoption,
Must Tidy up the Blog...
I need to update the blog a little, the right side bar mostly. I need to move some of the families down whom have thankfully brought their kiddos home and if you have a button, already home or still waiting, I will gladly include it. If you need one I can attempt to make it if you like? The quickest way to reach me is to leave a comment.
Some of the blogs I have here are completed as well and will perhaps move into their own section. Also there are a few more I would like to include.
And soon I will be posting a link to a website my friend and I are making, orphandoll.com, to spread the word of adoption. Its been a slow process but I believe it will be released soon. More to come on that later.
Its very exciting, so stay tuned.
And thanks for reading by the way, I think that's pretty cool. Two more posts shall follow this one, it seems May is a most thoughtful month.
Take care.
Some of the blogs I have here are completed as well and will perhaps move into their own section. Also there are a few more I would like to include.
And soon I will be posting a link to a website my friend and I are making, orphandoll.com, to spread the word of adoption. Its been a slow process but I believe it will be released soon. More to come on that later.
Its very exciting, so stay tuned.
And thanks for reading by the way, I think that's pretty cool. Two more posts shall follow this one, it seems May is a most thoughtful month.
Take care.
adoption buttons,
blog updates,
orphan doll project
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Have You Ever Wondered...
...what it would be like to live with HIV, yourself, or with someone you know having it, or parenting a child that has it? There are people that do every day.
Not too long ago, not even as long as last week, I was contemplating the thoughts of adoption as I continued to make an adoption site for a friend of mine and found myself realizing I could handle adopting any sort of special needs child, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Blind, Def, FAS, Missing Limbs - any of them, they are children of God here the same as a 'typical' child and were put here to teach and learn just as much as the rest of us, ... but, shamefully, flipping through more pages of possible disabilities I found myself thinking I would have to draw the line on adopting an HIV positive child - that, was something I thought I could not do.
I afraid at the thought, as some people are, at the thought of that 'impossible'. And yet, there were all these little faces of kids born hiv positive - that road was for someone else, I thought.
The hardest part I thought those kids would go through was being an adult, as a child you live in a child's world - you don't realize people's fears of you or the 'limitations' society sets. But as an adult you do. That, for these kids, is when they will need family for them most.
Within a week, I found myself wondering, what if I had HIV? What would I do then? How would I live? What if someone I knew did? The thought went to - What about those kids?
That idea went to - could I ever adopt a child with HIV, in a matter of days, people, I went from seeing it as impossible to wondering if I ever could.
A face of one of the little HIV positive girls flashed through my mind. Instantly and then gone again. I already knew that likely she would never be adopted, being older in the first place made it hard.
Today when I got in from work I went to the page and looked at her again. I found myself thinking - yes, I could do this. Then I opened up the links that led to Project Hopeful, read what was there and then I went back to the page again. Okay, I told myself, if this child is still available within the time its going to take to get my life together, I would do it.
Amazing. In less than a week, a change of heart? I honestly don't even really know what got me to thinking about HIV adoption in the first place? Except maybe somewhere a seed was planted that was getting ready to take root. Am I still scared? Terrified. I am about the most paranoid and anxious person I know. But there is this, I know to trust God. I know if this is what I am supposed to do one day it will happen. Am I saying I am committing to this child now? No, I am not. Right now, the physical constrictions of this world will not allow me to. What I am saying is my heart is opening to the possibility that one day, I don't know when, this could happen - for me and anyone else. You never know what children God will bring you. Don't allow fear to hold you back from those you love.
So what do you say we end the stereotype? HIV is a treatable condition these days and with the proper treatment people with it can live long and full lives. Lets give these little kids a chance? Think about it.
I'm a believer.
Here are the ones on Reece's Rainbow. The little girl Shannon, a bit of the way down this page is the face that opened my heart. Lets see if we can get her a home.
Here are some more little angels needing families too:
Its only a start, but check these links for more information about HIV and AIDS:
PS: I need to add that I mean no disrespect for people with this condition, in fact it is written with a lot of respect and hope. Out of respect for them and these children, please don't twist it out of shape and form, such comments will be deleted immediately before publishing to this blog. Thank you.
PS AGAIN: To clarify: yes, hiv is the virus that causes aids and they are different things, and living with one is different than the other. Thank you for pointing that out, btw. :D
Not too long ago, not even as long as last week, I was contemplating the thoughts of adoption as I continued to make an adoption site for a friend of mine and found myself realizing I could handle adopting any sort of special needs child, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Blind, Def, FAS, Missing Limbs - any of them, they are children of God here the same as a 'typical' child and were put here to teach and learn just as much as the rest of us, ... but, shamefully, flipping through more pages of possible disabilities I found myself thinking I would have to draw the line on adopting an HIV positive child - that, was something I thought I could not do.
I afraid at the thought, as some people are, at the thought of that 'impossible'. And yet, there were all these little faces of kids born hiv positive - that road was for someone else, I thought.
The hardest part I thought those kids would go through was being an adult, as a child you live in a child's world - you don't realize people's fears of you or the 'limitations' society sets. But as an adult you do. That, for these kids, is when they will need family for them most.
Within a week, I found myself wondering, what if I had HIV? What would I do then? How would I live? What if someone I knew did? The thought went to - What about those kids?
That idea went to - could I ever adopt a child with HIV, in a matter of days, people, I went from seeing it as impossible to wondering if I ever could.
A face of one of the little HIV positive girls flashed through my mind. Instantly and then gone again. I already knew that likely she would never be adopted, being older in the first place made it hard.
Today when I got in from work I went to the page and looked at her again. I found myself thinking - yes, I could do this. Then I opened up the links that led to Project Hopeful, read what was there and then I went back to the page again. Okay, I told myself, if this child is still available within the time its going to take to get my life together, I would do it.
Amazing. In less than a week, a change of heart? I honestly don't even really know what got me to thinking about HIV adoption in the first place? Except maybe somewhere a seed was planted that was getting ready to take root. Am I still scared? Terrified. I am about the most paranoid and anxious person I know. But there is this, I know to trust God. I know if this is what I am supposed to do one day it will happen. Am I saying I am committing to this child now? No, I am not. Right now, the physical constrictions of this world will not allow me to. What I am saying is my heart is opening to the possibility that one day, I don't know when, this could happen - for me and anyone else. You never know what children God will bring you. Don't allow fear to hold you back from those you love.
So what do you say we end the stereotype? HIV is a treatable condition these days and with the proper treatment people with it can live long and full lives. Lets give these little kids a chance? Think about it.
I'm a believer.
Here are the ones on Reece's Rainbow. The little girl Shannon, a bit of the way down this page is the face that opened my heart. Lets see if we can get her a home.
Here are some more little angels needing families too:
Its only a start, but check these links for more information about HIV and AIDS:
PS: I need to add that I mean no disrespect for people with this condition, in fact it is written with a lot of respect and hope. Out of respect for them and these children, please don't twist it out of shape and form, such comments will be deleted immediately before publishing to this blog. Thank you.
PS AGAIN: To clarify: yes, hiv is the virus that causes aids and they are different things, and living with one is different than the other. Thank you for pointing that out, btw. :D
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Road to Anastasia...
Hey everyone, the following link leads to a blog of a Reece's Rainbow family hoping to bring home a little girl and a little boy. Please stop by and help if you can? Add them to you blog, maybe? They are racing to beat the clock and bring their babies home.
Little Kayleigh...
...is now in heaven, sweet beautiful angel went home on the 11 of May. She was and is such a blessing to everyone. I only knew her though her blog and thank her wonderful family for sharing her precious life - it has touched so many, shown faith and hope and the great love of God above. Kaleigh is and will continue to always be a little miracle.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Prayers for Kayleigh:
Please click Here for this sweet baby's blog.
To her beautiful family, I will remove this video at your asking. My prayers go out regardless for your sweet little baby! The things she has taught is indeed - amazing.
Thank you for sharing her precious life with us.
New Look to the Blog:
What do you all think? I think it was time to change things up a bit - mostly, I wanted to add the new blog header. Yes, I made it and yes, I would be very happy to make one for you too, affordable [$1-$5] and fully customizable to an artists interpretation of course! Let me know, I love doing them - and have a good day! Money goes to a good cause - helping a family in need here in town. Thanx!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Have You Seen This Child??
Today, is May 3, 2009.
It has been two years today since Maddie disappeared. I don't know how to say what I want to say. People have mixed feelings - about the family, about the situation, media coverage - about everything involved.
No matter how you feel about it or what you think might have happened to her - this fact remains:
Madeleine McCann is still missing.
I personally support this family, when I see a child that matches her discription I take a second look to be sure. The truth is, Maddie McCann can be anywhere in the WORLD by now. She is also six years old. Please take a look at the age progression video on the McCann's Website, http://www.findmadeleine.com, and take a second look at thier daughter. Two years does make a difference.
Keep an eye out for her. Only God knows what has happened, and I believe where-ever she is she is firmly in the hallow of his hand.
Please pray for Maddie and her family and for ALL the missing children everywhere today.
Thank you.
PS: Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but negative comments are not what this blog is about and such out of respect all comments are being moderated for now and anything I perceive in my opinion to be negative will not be posted. Thank you.
It has been two years today since Maddie disappeared. I don't know how to say what I want to say. People have mixed feelings - about the family, about the situation, media coverage - about everything involved.
No matter how you feel about it or what you think might have happened to her - this fact remains:
Madeleine McCann is still missing.
I personally support this family, when I see a child that matches her discription I take a second look to be sure. The truth is, Maddie McCann can be anywhere in the WORLD by now. She is also six years old. Please take a look at the age progression video on the McCann's Website, http://www.findmadeleine.com, and take a second look at thier daughter. Two years does make a difference.
Keep an eye out for her. Only God knows what has happened, and I believe where-ever she is she is firmly in the hallow of his hand.
Please pray for Maddie and her family and for ALL the missing children everywhere today.
Thank you.
PS: Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but negative comments are not what this blog is about and such out of respect all comments are being moderated for now and anything I perceive in my opinion to be negative will not be posted. Thank you.
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