My Friends...
My heart is so heavy. Tears are rolling freely from my eyes in streams down my face. Its odd that I can admit that to a bunch of strangers -- but there is no hiding this. Hiding this is what causes such horrible things to happen - things such as little girls who are dependent on feeding tubes to be transfered to institutions where they do not use them...
This is why we do this. This is why we spend thousands of dollars to go get kids from overseas, because they are fated to die horribly like this - alone and starving in dirty beds. This newest little angel is someone whom touched my soul from half a world away... ...without ever knowing it, she did.
Sweet little Diana is now in Heaven dancing with the angels and in the arms of Jesus. She is no longer sick and unloved. I just wanted you all to know how much this amazing little girl has touched my life and how much she meant to me. I never saw her, I never knew her, but I would have been blessed and honored if only I could have been her mommy.
I can do that for you now. I will keep your picture always to remember how much you taught people, how many lives you touched and I and other people will continue to speak up and bring home kids so that your death was not in vain.
Rest sweetly, little angel, in Jesus' arms, I pray...
Forever and ever, Amen...