“Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” -― St. Francis of Assisi

Saturday, May 26, 2012

He's 11...

...and he's turning 12 this year.

He looks so sad.  I saw his picture and was like, "Oh Brayden..."  so so sad.  It says he has siblings but they are not available for adoption. 

Almost twelve years without a family.  I'd be sad too.  Someone, pick him up and take him hope.  Does it feel like a part of your heart is missing?  Does he fit it?  Is he your son?

From his Reece's Rainbow Profile:

"Boy, born September 2001
has siblings (not available for adoption)
Open oval window; allergic contact disorder;           
developmental delays 

Brayden was born during the 39th week of pregnancy weighing 3020g. Amniotic fluid was discolored. History of anemia, and obstructive bronchitis in infancy. At age 2 a speech delay was diagnosed. in 2009 an open oval hole in the heart was diagnosed. His main diagnosis’ include congenital diseases of heart’s wall development, disorder of specific motor function development, allergic contact disorder, and the disorder of language and communication. Psychical and physical delays are indicated. He has a moderate level of language delay. The consultation of cardiologist and the help of speech therapist are recommend.

Brayden is a friendly boy, but it has been noticed that he often chooses to ignore the younger children. During games he follows the rules, but is motivation to participate in activities is poor. He has considerable special educational needs. He is currently studying at a speech therapeutical school. He still confuses colors and figures, it is difficult for him to memorize and write. Bradyen likes playing with Legos, he enjoys outdoor activities, but is not interested in arts and crafts. His hygiene skills are good. He is physically developing at an age appropriate level. In new surroundings he behaves adequately, he is quiet and polite. He bashfully communicates with strange people. Bradyen likes affection and compliments very much.

He has a very strong bond with his grandparent, he often talks about him, and eagerly anticipates his visits."

If you think you might be Brayden's family or would like a little more information about how to adopt him please contact Andrea at www.reecesrainbow.com.

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