...today, it has been two years since you returned to Heaven. Two Earthly years, that is, since God took you in his arms and said, 'well done, my precious child, well done.'
I never knew you. I don't even know your family personally, but I do follow their blog and many times over the past years of my life it has helped me in so many ways. And today I pray for their strength and comfort. Your story has touched my heart, it changed something in me. It said to me, God still does miracles, among many other things. But it is always for the good.
Your life, your amazing story, touched thousands of people across the world. It does still. I still see stories of how people were changed, because of you, of how people have adopted children, because of you.
Once, a lady shared with your amazing mother, a story about how she thought you standing by her bedside shortly after you went to Heaven. You were with Jesus, she said, he was holding your hand. And the lady got the impression that you were visiting everyone whom had prayed for you.
I didn't say it. But it nearly stopped my heart. Because I didn't want people to think I was making it up. But when I read that I remembered I had a dream exactly like that -- and the best part is, I didn't remember it until the moment I read those words.
I remember what I was doing those moments you went to Heaven. I used to work nightshirt at a hotel. I was busy mopping the floor around 3 am or so my time. And out of no where, I thought of you. I wondered how you were doing. And I realised you had been in the hospital for a month. I said a prayer for you and your family right then and there.
I came home from work four hours later to see how you were doing ...and I sank into my chair in disbelief to find you were gone. I, like so many many others out there, believed with all my heart that we would see you healed on this Earth.
...and yet, you went Home to God. Where he said to you I am sure, "well done, my precious child. Well done."
You don't have to be big to make a huge change in the world. And Chrissie, I believe, with your beautiful heart - you absolutely did. And you left a legacy with us all down here that will always live on.
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