What a year.
Honestly, not the best year. So many changes. Many loved ones lost. But honestly? A blessed year. We received a precious baby girl in our family this year. We learned alot about love. No, really, we learned alot about love. I learned that ...as a body fails, spirit and strength grows ever stronger. And not just for the survivors, for the person passing to another life as well. I always thought I respected my elders. I always did, but this past year, I really learned what the tone of that truly meant. It doesn't mean yes ma'am or sir. It doesn't mean that at all. It means, to me, that even if someone is old or disabled or young or whatever -- they are feeling. They are caring, deeply, beyond words. They are loving and hurting and worth every second you can give. They are worth that phone call. They are worth that drive across town.
I also learned alot about myself this year. I want to say I struggled to change things about myself. That was my goal. Not a resolution, but a goal that carries until it is complete even if it is past the end of the year. But I know, looking back at the last eight months (it wasn't set last New Year) that there are times that I could have and need to put more into obtaining that goal.
In all honesty, this has been up there on the list of 'worst years of my life' but it was also a very teaching and heartfelt year. And that, my friends, is what I plan to take away from it, carry with me, and live and grow on.
Happiest of New Years to you and your families and friends,
From Me, and Mine,
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Unique Date Today
Check out the date: 12.12.12.
This is a date that is unique for a couple reasons. The triple twelves in a row, and also that it is the last time a tripled date such as 02.02.02 or 09.09.09 or 12.12.12 will happen until the start of the next century - 01.01.2101.
Pretty cool huh? Unique date. Thought I'd mark it here. And by the way, the entry I wrote a couple posts ago entitled 'This is Important' -- I've not forgotten about it... and also by the way -- the comments section is not a place to spam sales of your car at! Especially on that entry. Especially by saying that God is everywhere in the sentence right before that...
Have a good night everyone!
This is a date that is unique for a couple reasons. The triple twelves in a row, and also that it is the last time a tripled date such as 02.02.02 or 09.09.09 or 12.12.12 will happen until the start of the next century - 01.01.2101.
Pretty cool huh? Unique date. Thought I'd mark it here. And by the way, the entry I wrote a couple posts ago entitled 'This is Important' -- I've not forgotten about it... and also by the way -- the comments section is not a place to spam sales of your car at! Especially on that entry. Especially by saying that God is everywhere in the sentence right before that...
Have a good night everyone!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thankful today, for my family, for my friends near and far. Thankful that there is food in the refrigerator. Thankful that my doors have locks. Thankful for safety, security and love. Thankful that knowing no matter how much I mess up, God loves me still, my family loves me still, my friends love me still.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone.
Monday, November 19, 2012
This is Important:
We teach by example. We lead by example. We learn by example. Your actions are testimony to who and what you are, who you stand for. What you believe in. We are all not perfect. We all make mistakes. We all live with wrong ideals. We all do not agree. But we should all respect each other and not spout off "knowledge" as fact when we don't really understand or truly know what we are talking about. It leads to hatred. It leads to negativity. It leads to people feeling bad and sometimes making poor choices.
Take care everyone.
I believe that everyone has a good heart. I believe that God loves everyone. I believe that everyone is entitled to the things they believe in. I believe it is no one's place to judge others. I believe I am struggling with some of these statements myself and have to work on them.
Over the next few days I have to get my thoughts together. I have been praying over how to do it, but there are some things I want and need to say, though as this blog is centrally an adoption blog, I will probably be posting them somewhere else. I will be leaving the link soon.
If you are religious, remember God is there. He is the same God today as he was yesterday and as he will be tomorrow. If you are not religious, maybe take extra time to find things that make you happy. All of us should anyway. I don't think anyone should focus only on the bad.
Take care everyone.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Please Don't Just Pass Them By..
Today is Orphan Sunday...
This is the third time I've posted this video on this blog over the years. And I will post it, again and again. It is worth it. Please watch it.
I've blogged before about how orphans are tied up, how they are so stiff they can't move, how they are starving. Here is just a small glimpse of that. And it isn't just the country featured in this video. Many (not all) places are like this:
Hi everyone, the little girl Kareen has a family and is home. But there are so many others who do not. Please, I know we can't all adopt. I can't adopt. But we can all do something. Visit these websites. Pick a child, scream at the top of your lungs all over your social media for that child or for any or all of these kids. Pass the websites on. Alot of people just don't know this happens. Pray for them if you pray. Adopt if you can.
Realistically, I know alot of people will come to this blog and leave without clicking the links at the bottom of this post. Alot of them may leave without watching the videos. But please look. Please click. It only takes a few minutes of time - that may very well change the world for someone else.
Thank you for reading here today, Orphan Sunday.
Take care.
This is the third time I've posted this video on this blog over the years. And I will post it, again and again. It is worth it. Please watch it.
I've blogged before about how orphans are tied up, how they are so stiff they can't move, how they are starving. Here is just a small glimpse of that. And it isn't just the country featured in this video. Many (not all) places are like this:
Hi everyone, the little girl Kareen has a family and is home. But there are so many others who do not. Please, I know we can't all adopt. I can't adopt. But we can all do something. Visit these websites. Pick a child, scream at the top of your lungs all over your social media for that child or for any or all of these kids. Pass the websites on. Alot of people just don't know this happens. Pray for them if you pray. Adopt if you can.
Realistically, I know alot of people will come to this blog and leave without clicking the links at the bottom of this post. Alot of them may leave without watching the videos. But please look. Please click. It only takes a few minutes of time - that may very well change the world for someone else.
Thank you for reading here today, Orphan Sunday.
Take care.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
All of Us...
Hi there...

Did you know that all of us...
Are Looking for Our Mommies and Daddies?
Did you know?
[my family found me]
That all of us
Are are also on a page of kids that are said to be adoptable by single women?
That's right!
If you are only a Mommy...
...but still want to adopt...
That's Great!
Come and Get us! We are waiting!
All of us and more kids available for adoption by single mom's can be found:
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Sweet Little Mabel
Is so very loved. Her family actually found her a long time ago...
And have loved her and wanted her home with them ever since. But from what I understand they were told they were too young. They were told, probably Mabel would still be availible anyway.
How devastating to suggest she would go un-noticed.
But I believe it wasn't that she went un-noticed. She was simply theirs instead.
Thank you, sweet family, so much for loving Mabel. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you undertake this journey.
And have loved her and wanted her home with them ever since. But from what I understand they were told they were too young. They were told, probably Mabel would still be availible anyway.
How devastating to suggest she would go un-noticed.
But I believe it wasn't that she went un-noticed. She was simply theirs instead.
Thank you, sweet family, so much for loving Mabel. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you undertake this journey.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Check this out!!!
You may have to scroll down a little bit when you get there but click HERE and you will find....
Mabel's family has found her! Omg, omg.. I am so happy [near tears here even, happy tears] I have no idea who they are yet but thank you God. Thank you...
Mabel's family has found her! Omg, omg.. I am so happy [near tears here even, happy tears] I have no idea who they are yet but thank you God. Thank you...
Down Syndrome,
special needs adoption,
the kids
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Why is she still waiting??
Update 12.15.2012: Megan's Family has found her! Thank you God!
Oh my goodness, why??
This is "Megan" she is nearly fully funded. And when I say nearly I mean: $24055.50 is said to be available for her adoption.
I am thinking it is because people just don't know. Those of you wanting to adopt but don't have the money? This is a good thing. Is she yours?
Megan was born in 2005. She does have special needs but then in some way or another don't we all. Click here for her Reece's Rainbow profile. Contact Reece's Rainbow for more information.
If she isn't yours can you post about her own your blogs or put her on your twitter. Tell everyone you can about her please? Her family is somewhere out there. The only reason she is waiting is because they just haven't found her yet. Let's help them. Thanks everyone. ^_^
Oh my goodness, why??
This is "Megan" she is nearly fully funded. And when I say nearly I mean: $24055.50 is said to be available for her adoption.
I am thinking it is because people just don't know. Those of you wanting to adopt but don't have the money? This is a good thing. Is she yours?
Megan was born in 2005. She does have special needs but then in some way or another don't we all. Click here for her Reece's Rainbow profile. Contact Reece's Rainbow for more information.
If she isn't yours can you post about her own your blogs or put her on your twitter. Tell everyone you can about her please? Her family is somewhere out there. The only reason she is waiting is because they just haven't found her yet. Let's help them. Thanks everyone. ^_^
Friday, September 14, 2012
Do Good Anyway
I've posted this here before, but it's been a while. I am thinking though, it is time for a reminder for me. A time to post it again.
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;--Mother Teresa.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
We Will Never Forget
The day that changed the course of our history. I was at work when it came over the radio...
On this day it didn't matter your political views, your income or race. The people of the United States of America STOOD AS ONE. Together. As one...
I wish we could at all times.
In memory of the lives lost. With love and respect to those whom lost loved ones.
We never will forget.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Was a difficult month.
Has come and gone with hardly me knowing it.
Was a two year anniversary for a two separate big changes in my life.
Next year, instead of two separate anniversaries there will be three.
Next August will get here before any of us knows it.
And right now, there are even more troubles ahead...
...more troubles and five days to sort them in.
I won't face them alone. But ultimately can't just expect for them to be done for me.
Then perhaps a good September.
Just a note about August here, with hopes for a good September ahead.
Take care, everyone, out there.
Was a difficult month.
Has come and gone with hardly me knowing it.
Was a two year anniversary for a two separate big changes in my life.
Next year, instead of two separate anniversaries there will be three.
Next August will get here before any of us knows it.
And right now, there are even more troubles ahead...
...more troubles and five days to sort them in.
I won't face them alone. But ultimately can't just expect for them to be done for me.
Then perhaps a good September.
Just a note about August here, with hopes for a good September ahead.
Take care, everyone, out there.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
In the arms of Jesus,
No Truer Words,
Prayer Request,
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Pray for my Grandmother...
...please. Everyone who reads this, if you pray, please... of all the things I've asked on this blog this is the most important. She has cancer in stage 4... she will be in Heaven any moment. Pray for my parents. Please. And pass this on to any prayer warriors you may know...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Another Year has Gone. He has a New Picture...
Who is he? My sweet Owen.
I found his new picture with a bunch of other kiddos when I read this post here. Scroll down, it's there. Be sure and look at all those other little faces as you do. They need a family too. Thank you Julia for posting him! Hopefully someone will get him home, and the rest of them, soon.
I found his new picture with a bunch of other kiddos when I read this post here. Scroll down, it's there. Be sure and look at all those other little faces as you do. They need a family too. Thank you Julia for posting him! Hopefully someone will get him home, and the rest of them, soon.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
...it's important. Isn't it? Isn't it???.
It won't let me embed this video, but its a good song if you want to watch it.
It won't let me embed this video, but its a good song if you want to watch it.
Friday, June 8, 2012
This little girl is gone. She was eleven years old. She passed away in an overseas orphanage or institution without a mom and dad. Some of you may 'slam' me for caring, but go ahead if you feel you must. Sometimes people react to things they fear or don't understand by making light of them. But why, oh how, could someone, anyone, make light of this? And say that, these kids should stay where they are at? And die of neglect? Simply because they are overseas and not here in America? I do not know much really, about all this and how it works. But I do know a few things. One of those is this, that if kids here in America were treated the way these children are --- people would be imprisoned, seriously imprisoned, possibly for life. Children like this little girl are 11, 14, 15, 9, 5, 3, 2 years old, younger and older, and are left to lay in cribs all day long ---yes cribs--- at age 15--- until thier bodies stiffen up, bent out of shape so they cannot even move. That, and/or they stop growing, and look like they are still only a year or two old. And they are starving, literally starving, at age 14, weighing only 11 pounds.
Yes, it happens. I am not making this up. No, I haven't been there. I don't have to be there. Possibly if I was there, I would never ever leave. I have to add respectfully that this does not happen everywhere over there. But sadly, more often than not, it seems it does.
Now, with all that said, I must point out that yes -- kids here in the USA need homes too, even if they are not starving to death, it doesn't mean they are any less deserving. I am simply stating, we shouldn't single ANY of these children out on either side of the ocean, simply because of where they live. They all need homes. Where you choose to adopt from, if you so choose, is up to you, what you feel comfortable with for not only yourself but for the sake of the child.
The little girl above? Didn't she deserve a mom and dad? Didn't she deserve to be loved by a family? Didn't she deserve to come home? But sadly, most people just don't know. If they did I believe a dozen or more moms and dads would have been knocking on the door to get that little girl out.
People just don't know. Or they don't have the money. Or simply cannot adopt. But everyone can still help. Everyone can do something. We can help and support the people whom can adopt. We can help them raise the funds they need. While they can fully support the child when they bring them home (one of the reasons a home-study is done, I believe) most people just don't have 22,000 dollars or more laying around. We can do something. We can help the families. We can sponsor them. We can advocate for orphans. Talk about them. Get word about them out there. Pray for them if you pray. There are many so things that we can do.
The fact is, this little girl is just one of many, many, many, I cannot even pretend to know the numbers, hundreds, thousands? whom die in these conditions every year. Why? When we can help them. And please don't tell me 'you can't save them all' because there are approximately 163,000,000 orphans in this world, which is, for an individual person -me- or any one person- a mathematical impossibility. But if we group together who knows what we can do. I've written here before, if only 7% of the Christian population were to adopt there wouldn't be any orphans left in the world. When put into that perspective, 7% is a very small number indeed. And by the way, it doesn't just have to be Christians. I was just using an example to show the numbers and that we can do something.
Which brings me to her. This is 'Mabel' as she is known on Reece's Rainbow. Look at her, everyone. Look at the hurt in this little girl, its almost like she thinks is just part of life to be like this, to chew on her own hands to soothe herself because she has no one else to do it for her. Should any child have to look like this? Hurt like this? Be like this? Goodness, she is seven! Is she yours? Even if you are not looking to adopt? I will say it now like I have many times on this blog, once again I will put it out there -- right now I am not able to adopt. I know there are people out there whom can't either. But if you can't, she is someone's daughter. It's amazing what a little love can do. Let's get her out there? In honor of 'Lynette' -- the little girl pictured at the start of this post.
Yes, it will be hard. Yes, she has special needs. Yes, it will be expensive. But isn't her life worth it? Isn't it? Even if you don't know her? I think her biggest special need is simply the fact that she needs a family, to love and be loved. Thank you everyone, for listening and passing her picture along. More information about Mabel can be found right here.
Yes, it happens. I am not making this up. No, I haven't been there. I don't have to be there. Possibly if I was there, I would never ever leave. I have to add respectfully that this does not happen everywhere over there. But sadly, more often than not, it seems it does.
Now, with all that said, I must point out that yes -- kids here in the USA need homes too, even if they are not starving to death, it doesn't mean they are any less deserving. I am simply stating, we shouldn't single ANY of these children out on either side of the ocean, simply because of where they live. They all need homes. Where you choose to adopt from, if you so choose, is up to you, what you feel comfortable with for not only yourself but for the sake of the child.
The little girl above? Didn't she deserve a mom and dad? Didn't she deserve to be loved by a family? Didn't she deserve to come home? But sadly, most people just don't know. If they did I believe a dozen or more moms and dads would have been knocking on the door to get that little girl out.
People just don't know. Or they don't have the money. Or simply cannot adopt. But everyone can still help. Everyone can do something. We can help and support the people whom can adopt. We can help them raise the funds they need. While they can fully support the child when they bring them home (one of the reasons a home-study is done, I believe) most people just don't have 22,000 dollars or more laying around. We can do something. We can help the families. We can sponsor them. We can advocate for orphans. Talk about them. Get word about them out there. Pray for them if you pray. There are many so things that we can do.
The fact is, this little girl is just one of many, many, many, I cannot even pretend to know the numbers, hundreds, thousands? whom die in these conditions every year. Why? When we can help them. And please don't tell me 'you can't save them all' because there are approximately 163,000,000 orphans in this world, which is, for an individual person -me- or any one person- a mathematical impossibility. But if we group together who knows what we can do. I've written here before, if only 7% of the Christian population were to adopt there wouldn't be any orphans left in the world. When put into that perspective, 7% is a very small number indeed. And by the way, it doesn't just have to be Christians. I was just using an example to show the numbers and that we can do something.

Yes, it will be hard. Yes, she has special needs. Yes, it will be expensive. But isn't her life worth it? Isn't it? Even if you don't know her? I think her biggest special need is simply the fact that she needs a family, to love and be loved. Thank you everyone, for listening and passing her picture along. More information about Mabel can be found right here.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Story of a Boy
He is 16. He didn't have a mom and dad and desperately, he wanted
one. Word went out across the internet and spread like fire. A family
saw him and wanted him desperately too. They set out to adopt him. On
arrival in the boy's country, the moment they met him -- the boy said
no, he didn't want to be adopted anymore. You see, he had a chance to
go to a college and do something he loves, and that, my friends, is
absolutely great!
But hearts were broken, those of the family going to adopt him, and the heart of the boy. You see, he said no but he wasn't sure. He couldn't sign the paper saying he didn't want to be adopted. He hugged the people whom had come for him and sat with them instead.
It's scary, yes. He isn't a baby. The orphanage and that world is all he knows. To have to face leaving it in such a way as to let go of everything? But at the same time, someone is holding out a hand to you, offering something you did so very much want... and he did want them. Now, he is torn and just doesn't know what to do. Have you ever been so torn about a decision you have to make, knowing that either choice will -not could- change your life forever? And I've thought that some choices I've had to make were hard... but they were nothing, compared to what he has to decide.
He needs to make the decision by this Friday, to be adopted or not. The family is praying that the boy's heart is in the right place, whether that means going home with them or him staying there. They are praying for what's best for him.
I pray for peace for all of them in his decision. Please, join them here, today.
Thank you.
UPDATE 06.01.2012: He chose adoption! He chose it almost after they left! He wrote the letter then and there and signed it the next morning! And he looks happy in his pictures taken after! Click here.
But hearts were broken, those of the family going to adopt him, and the heart of the boy. You see, he said no but he wasn't sure. He couldn't sign the paper saying he didn't want to be adopted. He hugged the people whom had come for him and sat with them instead.
It's scary, yes. He isn't a baby. The orphanage and that world is all he knows. To have to face leaving it in such a way as to let go of everything? But at the same time, someone is holding out a hand to you, offering something you did so very much want... and he did want them. Now, he is torn and just doesn't know what to do. Have you ever been so torn about a decision you have to make, knowing that either choice will -not could- change your life forever? And I've thought that some choices I've had to make were hard... but they were nothing, compared to what he has to decide.
He needs to make the decision by this Friday, to be adopted or not. The family is praying that the boy's heart is in the right place, whether that means going home with them or him staying there. They are praying for what's best for him.
I pray for peace for all of them in his decision. Please, join them here, today.
Thank you.
UPDATE 06.01.2012: He chose adoption! He chose it almost after they left! He wrote the letter then and there and signed it the next morning! And he looks happy in his pictures taken after! Click here.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
He's 11...

He looks so sad. I saw his picture and was like, "Oh Brayden..." so so sad. It says he has siblings but they are not available for adoption.
Almost twelve years without a family. I'd be sad too. Someone, pick him up and take him hope. Does it feel like a part of your heart is missing? Does he fit it? Is he your son?
From his Reece's Rainbow Profile:
"Boy, born September 2001
has siblings (not available for adoption)
Open oval window; allergic contact disorder;
has siblings (not available for adoption)
Open oval window; allergic contact disorder;
developmental delays
Brayden was born during the 39th week of pregnancy weighing 3020g.
Amniotic fluid was discolored. History of anemia, and obstructive
bronchitis in infancy. At age 2 a speech delay was diagnosed. in 2009 an
open oval hole in the heart was diagnosed. His main diagnosis’ include
congenital diseases of heart’s wall development, disorder of specific
motor function development, allergic contact disorder, and the disorder
of language and communication. Psychical and physical delays are
indicated. He has a moderate level of language delay. The consultation
of cardiologist and the help of speech therapist are recommend.
Brayden is a friendly boy, but it has been noticed that he often
chooses to ignore the younger children. During games he follows the
rules, but is motivation to participate in activities is poor. He has
considerable special educational needs. He is currently studying at a
speech therapeutical school. He still confuses colors and figures, it is
difficult for him to memorize and write. Bradyen likes playing with
Legos, he enjoys outdoor activities, but is not interested in arts and
crafts. His hygiene skills are good. He is physically developing at an
age appropriate level. In new surroundings he behaves adequately, he is
quiet and polite. He bashfully communicates with strange people.
Bradyen likes affection and compliments very much.
If you think you might be Brayden's family or would like a little more information about how to adopt him please contact Andrea at www.reecesrainbow.com.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
well, done, my precious child...
...today, it has been two years since you returned to Heaven. Two Earthly years, that is, since God took you in his arms and said, 'well done, my precious child, well done.'
I never knew you. I don't even know your family personally, but I do follow their blog and many times over the past years of my life it has helped me in so many ways. And today I pray for their strength and comfort. Your story has touched my heart, it changed something in me. It said to me, God still does miracles, among many other things. But it is always for the good.
Your life, your amazing story, touched thousands of people across the world. It does still. I still see stories of how people were changed, because of you, of how people have adopted children, because of you.
Once, a lady shared with your amazing mother, a story about how she thought you standing by her bedside shortly after you went to Heaven. You were with Jesus, she said, he was holding your hand. And the lady got the impression that you were visiting everyone whom had prayed for you.
I didn't say it. But it nearly stopped my heart. Because I didn't want people to think I was making it up. But when I read that I remembered I had a dream exactly like that -- and the best part is, I didn't remember it until the moment I read those words.
I remember what I was doing those moments you went to Heaven. I used to work nightshirt at a hotel. I was busy mopping the floor around 3 am or so my time. And out of no where, I thought of you. I wondered how you were doing. And I realised you had been in the hospital for a month. I said a prayer for you and your family right then and there.
I came home from work four hours later to see how you were doing ...and I sank into my chair in disbelief to find you were gone. I, like so many many others out there, believed with all my heart that we would see you healed on this Earth.
...and yet, you went Home to God. Where he said to you I am sure, "well done, my precious child. Well done."
You don't have to be big to make a huge change in the world. And Chrissie, I believe, with your beautiful heart - you absolutely did. And you left a legacy with us all down here that will always live on.
I never knew you. I don't even know your family personally, but I do follow their blog and many times over the past years of my life it has helped me in so many ways. And today I pray for their strength and comfort. Your story has touched my heart, it changed something in me. It said to me, God still does miracles, among many other things. But it is always for the good.
Your life, your amazing story, touched thousands of people across the world. It does still. I still see stories of how people were changed, because of you, of how people have adopted children, because of you.
Once, a lady shared with your amazing mother, a story about how she thought you standing by her bedside shortly after you went to Heaven. You were with Jesus, she said, he was holding your hand. And the lady got the impression that you were visiting everyone whom had prayed for you.
I didn't say it. But it nearly stopped my heart. Because I didn't want people to think I was making it up. But when I read that I remembered I had a dream exactly like that -- and the best part is, I didn't remember it until the moment I read those words.
I remember what I was doing those moments you went to Heaven. I used to work nightshirt at a hotel. I was busy mopping the floor around 3 am or so my time. And out of no where, I thought of you. I wondered how you were doing. And I realised you had been in the hospital for a month. I said a prayer for you and your family right then and there.
I came home from work four hours later to see how you were doing ...and I sank into my chair in disbelief to find you were gone. I, like so many many others out there, believed with all my heart that we would see you healed on this Earth.
...and yet, you went Home to God. Where he said to you I am sure, "well done, my precious child. Well done."
You don't have to be big to make a huge change in the world. And Chrissie, I believe, with your beautiful heart - you absolutely did. And you left a legacy with us all down here that will always live on.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Worth Posting...
...and please understand, I post this with no 'campaigning' intentions. I just think its really cool:
"If you elect me president, you're not going to see legalized marijuana. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail."
-Mitt Romney
"If you elect me president, you're not going to see legalized marijuana. I'm going to fight it tooth and nail."
-Mitt Romney
Saturday, May 12, 2012
I don't know what to say...
...I don't know what to say. I've tried writing this post two other times now. I've been trying to for hours now to get it right. I've posted about her on this blog before, Lera, her story has tugged at my heart for years.
They need 6000 dollars by the end of the weekend I think, and on top of that they have another little girl fighting for her life in PICU. Please go over to their blog and help them however you can, pray for them, pass word on on your Facebook or blogs, donate to rebuild her adoption fund through the links provided if you can. Help get the funds back together in time, and help get Lera out of there. Thank you for reading tonight. Take care.
They need 6000 dollars by the end of the weekend I think, and on top of that they have another little girl fighting for her life in PICU. Please go over to their blog and help them however you can, pray for them, pass word on on your Facebook or blogs, donate to rebuild her adoption fund through the links provided if you can. Help get the funds back together in time, and help get Lera out of there. Thank you for reading tonight. Take care.
Prayer Request,
special needs adoption,
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Chinese Adoption, the Waiting Child
Hey you all. Here is a video I found about special needs waiting children. Maybe, if you are considering adoption, take a look at that list? Thank you all. Have a nice night.
Monday, April 30, 2012
2$, St. Jude, a 16 Yearold and Rootbeer Floats..
You know, this just now happened. And as I watched, I was saddened and yes, even angry - and I knew I would come home and put it on this blog.
I was out grocery shopping, got to the check out and managed to leave my savings card in the car. Well, there were some really good sales this week that you had to have that card for, so I called an attendant, she suspended my transaction, and I went to the car and got my savings card.
When I came back inside I had to wait for the attendant to pull up my transaction and, in doing so, that was when I saw him; he was about 16 years old, and had set up a little table near the front lanes and was trying to sell root beer floats for St. Jude's Children's Hospital for 2 dollars each.
As I stood and watched, he would ask person after person whom walked by if they would like a root beer float. Person after person came over and quickly looked at his table, and then said, "not for 2 dollars" and walked away. A few people even scowled as they said no to this kid. And he took it in stride and started offering free samples instead. Inside, I was furious. I was saddened by what I was seeing. You see, the reality of it is for me, that yes, These root beer floats were 2 dollars each which did seem a big price out of a standard paper cup. But the fact of the matter is, it wasn't about the root beer float; they were refusing to give just two bucks to these kids. My heart couldn't grasp it. And the kid started looking let down between people. Even though he seemed positive and upbeat when they were around.
So after I got my items through check out I had dropped exactly 2 dollars on the floor. Oddly, someone whom worked there picked it up.
I have to admit, so you are not thinking I am patting my back here, I too, wasn't going to pay for a root beer float until that point. I didn't have the money. I hurt for him and wasn't scowling at him or anything or laughing at him but I just didn't have the two dollars -- without any mean intention of course and with an aching heart I was going to escape through another door and try not to think about it. No, I didn't want to admit this. I wasn't even going to write it. But when sitting to write this, it just came out.
So as I looked at that two dollars in my hand and realised that I would not have had it anyway if someone hadn't handed it back to me -- I knew, without a doubt, I was supposed to stop being hypo-critic and give it to the Root Beer Float kid. I did so. Without plans of getting a root beer float. I was just going to put in in his jar and walk out. After all, root beer floats were never my thing, but he called after me and told me to take one. He seemed so encouraged. So I did. The point of this is, its just two dollars. If you see someone selling drinks, or nachos, or ice creams, or pop corn for a charity, an adoption or something you should step up. Could I afford it, nope. Two bucks could have got me one trip up and down the road and back. But while 2 dollars spent on an over priced root-beer float, its really a 2 dollar donation to help someone. And in the grand scheme of things, isn't that better? That's not overpriced at all.
Think about where you spend two bucks every day. Then think of that family you know that has a little girl or boy with cancer, or whom are adopting, or just needs the encouragement to know that someone hears them. Myself included. Really, think about it. Where do you spend your 2 dollars? On a hamburger, on soda, on a little bit of gas -these days a very little bit? And think of how much farther that 2 dollars will go if combined with everyone else's 2 dollars. It can go so much further, and do something much greater. And, believe me, for the lesson included to myself --- its 2 dollars very well spent.
Take care everyone, Debrah.
P.S. encouraged by this kid. Donations to St. Jude can be made here.
As I stood and watched, he would ask person after person whom walked by if they would like a root beer float. Person after person came over and quickly looked at his table, and then said, "not for 2 dollars" and walked away. A few people even scowled as they said no to this kid. And he took it in stride and started offering free samples instead. Inside, I was furious. I was saddened by what I was seeing. You see, the reality of it is for me, that yes, These root beer floats were 2 dollars each which did seem a big price out of a standard paper cup. But the fact of the matter is, it wasn't about the root beer float; they were refusing to give just two bucks to these kids. My heart couldn't grasp it. And the kid started looking let down between people. Even though he seemed positive and upbeat when they were around.
So after I got my items through check out I had dropped exactly 2 dollars on the floor. Oddly, someone whom worked there picked it up.
I have to admit, so you are not thinking I am patting my back here, I too, wasn't going to pay for a root beer float until that point. I didn't have the money. I hurt for him and wasn't scowling at him or anything or laughing at him but I just didn't have the two dollars -- without any mean intention of course and with an aching heart I was going to escape through another door and try not to think about it. No, I didn't want to admit this. I wasn't even going to write it. But when sitting to write this, it just came out.
So as I looked at that two dollars in my hand and realised that I would not have had it anyway if someone hadn't handed it back to me -- I knew, without a doubt, I was supposed to stop being hypo-critic and give it to the Root Beer Float kid. I did so. Without plans of getting a root beer float. I was just going to put in in his jar and walk out. After all, root beer floats were never my thing, but he called after me and told me to take one. He seemed so encouraged. So I did. The point of this is, its just two dollars. If you see someone selling drinks, or nachos, or ice creams, or pop corn for a charity, an adoption or something you should step up. Could I afford it, nope. Two bucks could have got me one trip up and down the road and back. But while 2 dollars spent on an over priced root-beer float, its really a 2 dollar donation to help someone. And in the grand scheme of things, isn't that better? That's not overpriced at all.
Think about where you spend two bucks every day. Then think of that family you know that has a little girl or boy with cancer, or whom are adopting, or just needs the encouragement to know that someone hears them. Myself included. Really, think about it. Where do you spend your 2 dollars? On a hamburger, on soda, on a little bit of gas -these days a very little bit? And think of how much farther that 2 dollars will go if combined with everyone else's 2 dollars. It can go so much further, and do something much greater. And, believe me, for the lesson included to myself --- its 2 dollars very well spent.
Take care everyone, Debrah.
P.S. encouraged by this kid. Donations to St. Jude can be made here.
Friday, April 13, 2012
...today, is one. Ready or not -- I've entered my mid thirties. I am hoping to do better in the next few years, look for good things and happy things. Its amazing how time goes so fast. Have a nice night, everyone.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Please Pray for Katya...

...she has just undergone a major surgery. Pray for her mother and her family.
Katya's doctor says she will amaze the world. I do believe this. With respect to them, without knowing her at all, without knowing the family, I have no words to describe the wonder she is, or any child is, for that matter. But this girl's story is one that's pulled at my heart since I first saw her photo some years ago - and it already is amazing. Please, if you pray, pray for her and her family tonight. Thank you.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
How Absolutely Awful...
...how could they? -- doesn't even begin to describe it. How is this child supposed to face the rest of her life knowing her parents would have killed her rather than have her born ...if they had known she had Down Syndrome? And yes, people with DS do understand things like that. How in the world did the judge not take away their parental rights for this?
Is the value of life mean so little these days that a court of law can decide if you should be born? Is it so low that a person can't stand to give a few months of their own lives just to see a child has one of his or her own? Instead are we that selfish that we can't give those months of our own lives -just a few months- at the cost of a child's entire life? Find the baby a family. I would think its a better to know your parents gave you up for adoption than to hear we'd have aborted you rather than have you be born.
We point fingers at how bad it is in other countries, people locking these kids up in mental asylums, yes, that is horrific, and I highlight that plight alot on this blog -- but are we really that different when right here in the USA over 90% of kids born with Down Syndrome are killed in the womb before they are ever even born?
Alright. What I think of it?
Life's value have not decreased. People's sensitivity toward it has.
Please, if you pray, pray for this girl? That she knows she is loved by God if not her family? And pray for her family as well.
Is the value of life mean so little these days that a court of law can decide if you should be born? Is it so low that a person can't stand to give a few months of their own lives just to see a child has one of his or her own? Instead are we that selfish that we can't give those months of our own lives -just a few months- at the cost of a child's entire life? Find the baby a family. I would think its a better to know your parents gave you up for adoption than to hear we'd have aborted you rather than have you be born.
We point fingers at how bad it is in other countries, people locking these kids up in mental asylums, yes, that is horrific, and I highlight that plight alot on this blog -- but are we really that different when right here in the USA over 90% of kids born with Down Syndrome are killed in the womb before they are ever even born?
Alright. What I think of it?
Life's value have not decreased. People's sensitivity toward it has.
Please, if you pray, pray for this girl? That she knows she is loved by God if not her family? And pray for her family as well.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My Hardest Blog Entries...
...I have a hard time posting. And I have several saved in draft. I have a hard time posting them because of the criticism that might come this blog's way for putting things out there for people to know and see. I shouldn't let it deter me, but whom likes being yelled at for the things they say? The way I am starting to look at it though is that - the truth hurts. People react in many ways to what hurts, including leaving negative comments. And 147 million orphans in this world? That is a truth that really hurts. More on this very soon, as it will also be an entry that is hard to post, hard to write, hard to say.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Look at the Date
Yup. February 29, 2012! A date that comes around only every 4 years.
Leap Year!
"Thirty days hath November, April, June, and September. Every other thirty-one. Except the second month alone."
--C.N. Douglas
Leap Year!
"Thirty days hath November, April, June, and September. Every other thirty-one. Except the second month alone."
--C.N. Douglas
Friday, February 24, 2012
Please, give just a few minutes...

Great News...
Alexander has a family! Someone has come forward for him. If they create a public blog I will try and post it here. Thank you, God. Thank you.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I am working on an entry...
...that I don't know how to write or post. It's a difficult post, containing images that are hard to see, which is a reason I am struggling to put it on this blog. --Which is a reason I should.
There are a series of videos that are very graphic [some contain nudity in the form of communal 'showers'] about life in an institution. I just want people to see what 'transferred' means for most of these kids. There is another set of videos about what happens to the baby girls in China... and yet, they claim, the wait is so long because there are just not enough kids to go around.
I have placed links before, sent people to Google or You Tube to look it up. But I've never actually posted videos like these themselves. They are not sugar-coated. They don't hide the really bad stuff. They, in fact, break my heart.
There isn't a way to sugar-coat this. And people just don't know its like this. I think people would help if they just knew. So, I think, it needs to be seen. It needs to be out there, so people will know.
These are my current thoughts as I've seemed to fall silent. I may or may not post as I've not decided. Take care.
There are a series of videos that are very graphic [some contain nudity in the form of communal 'showers'] about life in an institution. I just want people to see what 'transferred' means for most of these kids. There is another set of videos about what happens to the baby girls in China... and yet, they claim, the wait is so long because there are just not enough kids to go around.
I have placed links before, sent people to Google or You Tube to look it up. But I've never actually posted videos like these themselves. They are not sugar-coated. They don't hide the really bad stuff. They, in fact, break my heart.
There isn't a way to sugar-coat this. And people just don't know its like this. I think people would help if they just knew. So, I think, it needs to be seen. It needs to be out there, so people will know.
These are my current thoughts as I've seemed to fall silent. I may or may not post as I've not decided. Take care.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Thank You...
...Los Angeles California! That made my night. Thank you, so much, whomever you are. :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
...out of all the people whom visited today, it doesn't look like even one bothered to go look at the link to blog posted in the entry below.
Normally I don't write blog posts like this. But really, that's amazingly sad that no one even gave a few minutes of time to just go look. A few minutes that may change kids lives, and maybe their own life too.
Normally I don't write blog posts like this. But really, that's amazingly sad that no one even gave a few minutes of time to just go look. A few minutes that may change kids lives, and maybe their own life too.
Prayer Request,
special needs adoption,
the kids,
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Please ...these kids need you...
..not the next person to visit this page -- they need every person who visits page. They need you. No matter how you found this blog, no matter what you do. You may not be able to adopt but you can do something. Please these kids need you today. Please go to the post and read what Adeye has to say - she can say it much better than I can. Which is why this entry on my blog -while desperately important- is so short. Please go read hers and follow the links she placed in it --- or come back here and look at the faces of these kids in another entry on that same blog. And after, don't just move on to another page. Ask yourself what you can do today. Thank you everyone.
Prayer Request,
special needs adoption,
the kids,
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Updated the Blog Background Today..
..and the header and avatar image as well. Both are made by me so please do not remove them without asking first. The blog background is from cutestblogontheblock.com.
Alright everyone. Just a quick blog update. Have a good day today and take care. And oh yes, Happy Groundhog's Day! :D
Alright everyone. Just a quick blog update. Have a good day today and take care. And oh yes, Happy Groundhog's Day! :D
blog updates,
Groundhog's Day,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Do it Anyway:

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God; It was never between you and them anyway.
--Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa,
No Truer Words,
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ok people...
...I have, sadly, had to post about this before. I guess its time again. Leaving comments like, "Nice blog entry," then leaving a link to get your cabinet's refurbished or, "I like your blog, Come check out my beauty supplies at --another spammed web url--" is not okay. It's spam. And personally I feel its rather rude.
Please, this is a blog about adoption and such things. Not a place to try and sneak spam in by saying two nice words first; which loose their meaning when it turns out to be merely an advertisement. These comments are immediately deleted or marked as the spam that they are. So, please don't even go there in the first place. Thank you.
Now, please, lets focus our efforts on Krysten in the post below -- and stop trying to sell haircare and beauty products off of these entries. Again, thank you.
Please, this is a blog about adoption and such things. Not a place to try and sneak spam in by saying two nice words first; which loose their meaning when it turns out to be merely an advertisement. These comments are immediately deleted or marked as the spam that they are. So, please don't even go there in the first place. Thank you.
Now, please, lets focus our efforts on Krysten in the post below -- and stop trying to sell haircare and beauty products off of these entries. Again, thank you.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Meet Krysten:

Let me back up a little here to say that I don't know why I was browsing "AdoptUsKids.Org" hopeful I guess, that some of the kids I posted before might have been adopted by now. But I know I felt led there. And soon, after seeing this sweet little girl's face, I knew why.
Little Krysten is only 7, and she lives with a disease/condition called metachromatic leukodystrophy. Folks, my heart broke into a million pieces, this is a life-shortening disease. Let's get her a family to live it with for every blessed second she has got? Is she your daughter? If you can't adopt her can you please pass word of her along; on your facebook, your blog, the next time you are out with a neighbor? It doesn't matter where. Her family is out there. These kids deserve love and a family too. Like little Julia who had previously been diagnosed with Cockane Syndrome, who came home last year after an outpouring of love brought her to her family's attention?
The following is from Krysten's profile at adoptuskids.org:
Krysten is a sweet little girl who loves being in the midst of family activities. While she can contentedly watch TV, her favorite activities are having regular time with favorite adults, including visits by her birth mom, and being around children who interact and play with her.
A medically fragile child, Krysten's overall development is much like that of a non verbal baby who communicates primarily by facial expressions, such as smiling, or pointing and gesturing. While her care needs are extensive, Krysten seems to be content and accepting of what life has to offer without much complaining.
Krysten has an inherited condition called metachromatic leukodystrophy (or sulfatide lipidosis) caused by the lack of an essential enzyme, which results over time in an accumulation of metachromatic lipids in tissues of the central nervous system, kidney, spleen, and other organs that impact her health and her life expectancy.
In addition, Krysten has global (overall) developmental delays, a neuromuscular disorder, and seizures. Her special needs require that she be fed through a G-tube.
Krysten's routine care and treatment include daily medication and feeding regimens, frequent medical appointments, and attendance at a specialized school program for children who have significant developmental delays. Her adoptive parent(s) will need the interpersonal skills to interact effectively and cooperatively with doctors, therapists, and special education teachers on a regular basis, and will need to be proactive and creative in advocating for Krysten's needs.
Krysten is doing well in her school setting. Her IEP includes physical, occupational, and speech/language therapies, and incorporates goals for increasing her developmental growth and acquiring life skills.
Her physical and occupational therapies are helping her to increase her strength and range of movement in her limbs. Currently, Krysten's right arm appears to be stronger than the left arm and she is using it more than the other, but she moves both of them and is able to point and grasp a hold of toys and other objects. Although she has a wheelchair, she also crawls and walks about. When out of her wheelchair, Krysten really must have a caring adult nearby to provide highly attentive supervision as she has a propensity for getting into whatever is within her reach.
Her adoptive folks will need to have experience caring for medically fragile and/or significantly developmentally delayed children or, at the very least, be able and willing to learn a new specialized skill set.
It will be important for her adoptive family's well being to be able to strike an emotional balance between investing wholly in Krysten's growth and development while knowing that they may lose her prematurely; many children born with metachromatic leukodystrophy do not live into their teens. Given the circumstances of her special needs, Krysten deserves to experience life to her fullest capacity and to belong to a family and know that she is wanted. Patience, kindness, and the capacity to love and nurture will be parental traits that Krysten and Krysten's family recruitment team will value highly.
Ok everyone, let's past this on? Let's find her family. For more information visit her profile. Information for "the next step" is there. Thank you very much and have a wonderful day.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Little Angel Tripp...
One of the world's sweetest angels, Tripp, has gone to Heaven today. I found this on his mothers blog, posted Dec 11, 2011:
The Brave Little Soul
By: John Alessi
Not too long ago in Heaven there was a little soul who took wonder in observing the world. He especially enjoyed the love he saw there and often expressed this joy with God. One day however the little soul was sad, for on this day he saw suffering in the world. He approached God and sadly asked, "Why do bad things happen; why is there suffering in the world?"
God paused for a moment and replied, "Little soul, do not be sad, for the suffering you see, unlocks the love in people's hearts." The little soul was confused. "What do you mean," he asked. God replied, "Have you not noticed the goodness and love that is the offspring of that suffering? Look at how people come together, drop their differences and show their love and compassion for those who suffer. All their other motivations disappear and they become motivated by love alone."
The little soul began to understand and listened attentively as God continued, "The suffering soul unlocks the love in people's hearts much like the sun and the rain unlock the flower within the seed. I created everyone with endless love in their heart, but unfortunately most people keep it locked up and hardly share it with anyone. They are afraid to let their love shine freely, because they are afraid of being hurt. But a suffering soul unlocks that love. I tell you this - it is the greatest miracle of all. Many souls have bravely chosen to go into the world and suffer - to unlock this love - to create this miracle for the good of all humanity."
Just then the little soul got a wonderful idea and could hardly contain himself. With his wings fluttering, bouncing up and down, the little soul excitedly replied. "I am brave; let me go! I would like to go into the world and suffer so that I can unlock the goodness and love in people's hearts! I want to create that miracle!"
God smiled and said, "You are a brave soul I know, and thus I will grant your request. But even though you are very brave you will not be able to do this alone. I have known since the beginning of time that you would ask for this and so I have carefully selected many souls to care for you on your journey. Those souls will help you create your miracle; however they will also share in your suffering. Two of these souls are most special and will care for you, help you and suffer along with you, far beyond the others. They have already chosen a name for you". God and the brave soul shared a smile, and then embraced.
In parting, God said, "Do not forget little soul that I will be with you always. Although you have agreed to bear the pain, you will do so through my strength. And if the time should come when you feel that you have suffered enough, just say the word, think the thought, and you will be healed." Thus at that moment the brave little soul was born into the world, and through his suffering and God's strength, he unlocked the goodness and love in people's hearts. For so many people dropped their differences and came together to show their love.
Priorities became properly aligned.
People gave from their hearts.
Those that were always too busy found time.
Many began new spiritual journeys, some regained lost faith - many came back to God.
Parents hugged their children tighter.
Friends and family grew closer.
Old friends got together and new friendships were made.
Distant family reunited, and every family spent more time together.
Everyone prayed.
Peace and love reigned.
Lives changed forever.
It was good.
The world was a better place.
The miracle had happened.
God was pleased.
Rest in Peace Little Angel, and know all the wonder and beautiful changes you brought to the world, the people you touched the lives you changed. Sweet Dreams.
In the arms of Jesus,
special needs,
Sunday, January 8, 2012
January 8, 2011:
One Year.
Everything changes. No one forgets. My heart goes out to you, your families and loved ones.
Rest in Peace those lost in the Tucson Shooting.
Everything changes. No one forgets. My heart goes out to you, your families and loved ones.
Rest in Peace those lost in the Tucson Shooting.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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"A child's hand in yours -- what tenderness and power it arouses. You are instantly the very touchstone of wisdom and strength."
-Marjorie Holmes
-Marjorie Holmes
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