'Kevin' is the 13 year old boy I wrote about in this entry HERE. His remaining 20 day chance to be adopted has dropped to just 10 -- But he has 2 separate families trying to rescue and adopt him. However, I am guessing, that as there are only 10 days left until he is not adoptable -- things are not going easy at all. They are asking for prayers for a miracle for him. If you pray, please, please include this boy. If not, think of him please? Thank you all again.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
The Christmas Post:
This is an entry I've had in my head for many months, just trying to figure out how to write it. Last year, I posted 'yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus,' and it wasn't enough. I might think unfortunately that it even upset some people. So maybe something else this year?

Some people see only Santa Claus at Christmas. Some don't. Did you know that Santa Claus was indeed a real person - not a myth or a lie - he was St. Nicholas. Did you know that St. Nicholas was adopted by his uncle after his parents died? Did you know he used his parents inheritance to help the poor? Did you know that beyond Christmas he is known as the Patron Saint of Children and that Patron Saints are said to have lived a life as a worthy example of how to faithfully follow Jesus Christ?
Did you know he loved God?
At Christmastime, growing up in my family, there was always a Santa Claus. And at the same time, from when we were the smallest of children, my mom and dad instilled in us the holy value of what Christmas really was all about - the birth of our savior Jesus Christ - we knew that, without a doubt. We would have [and still have] the nativity scene, every year we would perform Christmas play of the 3 Kings and the Shepherds coming to visit the baby Jesus. Every year, I got to be the angel - to the point of having the verse memorized in my head:
"Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger."
This, my family, my friends, is what Christmas is about. We grew up lovingly and knowing it with our whole hearts. And Santa Claus? Well, my mother never even had to sit down and give us the 'he isn't real' talk. Because as we grew we came to know what Santa Claus -St. Nicholas- embodied- the spirit of giving, the spirit of Christmas - to be carried all through the year; for the Glory of God.
For that reason I still believe.
There will always be a Santa Claus in my/our home. Everyone has their own Christmas Traditions and beliefs, and cherish and love them and that is wonderful. I just thought I'd take a moment to share our own. From my house to yours, peace, love and joy this Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas.
--Debrah and Family

Some people see only Santa Claus at Christmas. Some don't. Did you know that Santa Claus was indeed a real person - not a myth or a lie - he was St. Nicholas. Did you know that St. Nicholas was adopted by his uncle after his parents died? Did you know he used his parents inheritance to help the poor? Did you know that beyond Christmas he is known as the Patron Saint of Children and that Patron Saints are said to have lived a life as a worthy example of how to faithfully follow Jesus Christ?
Did you know he loved God?
At Christmastime, growing up in my family, there was always a Santa Claus. And at the same time, from when we were the smallest of children, my mom and dad instilled in us the holy value of what Christmas really was all about - the birth of our savior Jesus Christ - we knew that, without a doubt. We would have [and still have] the nativity scene, every year we would perform Christmas play of the 3 Kings and the Shepherds coming to visit the baby Jesus. Every year, I got to be the angel - to the point of having the verse memorized in my head:
"Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger."
This, my family, my friends, is what Christmas is about. We grew up lovingly and knowing it with our whole hearts. And Santa Claus? Well, my mother never even had to sit down and give us the 'he isn't real' talk. Because as we grew we came to know what Santa Claus -St. Nicholas- embodied- the spirit of giving, the spirit of Christmas - to be carried all through the year; for the Glory of God.
For that reason I still believe.
There will always be a Santa Claus in my/our home. Everyone has their own Christmas Traditions and beliefs, and cherish and love them and that is wonderful. I just thought I'd take a moment to share our own. From my house to yours, peace, love and joy this Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas.
--Debrah and Family
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Chinese Adoption Older Child

This 13 year old boy is in China and needs a family to commit to him right now. When he turns 14 he looses the chance to be adopted - forever. That happens in 20 days. I am certain he has seen other kids get taken home and his turn never comes. Come on everyone, lets make a wonderful Christmas Miracle. Somewhere there is a family for him. Please, you have to have paperwork in China now. You might be able to add him into your adoption. Please don't just past this over. If you are adopting, if you are thinking of china, if you are thinking of an older child, give this boy a chance. And if not, at least please past THIS POST about him along. It takes two minutes, but can change his life. Thank you.
adopt older child,
adopt teens,
chinese adoption,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
To the Person Asking About Dmitry :)
Hi! I do hope you come back to read this. As it is, I do not know which orphanage he is in but I may be able to get you in touch with someone who does. Please email me at debrahballard at yahoo.com. Please let me know how it goes, I love that little boy. Thank you so very very much for asking.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My One and Only Nephew...

...here he is, this past Halloween. Its been a while since I posted his pictures so I thought I'd put one up. Also, he's about to loose his title as 'one and only' -- he has a baby brother on the way! And a cousin on the way too, a little girl! Congrats so much to my brother and sister in law and my sister and brother in law!
baby updates,
MIkey the III
Saturday, December 4, 2010
There is a blog entry I am writing...
...but I don't know how without seeming biased or hypocritical or judgmental of people. Please, for now, just look at this video.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
I Wanted Him...
...today, I read on a blog that a little boy has been transferred to an institution. A sweet little boy with beautiful eyes and a glowing smile that said he was so happy with what he had, too innocent to know it wasn't much to be happy about or that it all -soon- would be taken away. A little boy whom is an orphan, with $7,105 in his account and yet he wasn't chosen. He was smart, active, playful, outgoing, he wanted love.... ...he was sent to an institution in eastern Europe instead.
This is what that could be like, we've all seen it by now but I ask no matter how horrific it is just spare a few minutes at least for this little boy and watch it again:
Or maybe watch this one [warning, very disturbing content]:
Or this one [also very disturbing]:
None of these were the country this little boy was in. But the country he is in was listed in the second video. As that video said, the conditions are generally the same in institutions all over the world. It brought a chill to my spine, and tears to my eyes, and a bit of anger to read when someone's blog declared that NO ONE WANTED HIM:

I did...[click here for an older post] He wasn't un-noticed.
This year on my birthday there will be a cake for Alexander instead. For a present I hope to help find his family and will be starting fundraisers for him. Look at him everyone, you can SEE his joy and his potential. Now look at him and think of him in one of the places as posted above. I can hardly stand to think of it. I wanted him. I can't have him. Hopefully this and this woman's blog post will have someone somewhere who can have him wanting him too.
He can't wait anymore. Contact Andrea at Reeces Rainbow about Alexander today.
This is what that could be like, we've all seen it by now but I ask no matter how horrific it is just spare a few minutes at least for this little boy and watch it again:
Or maybe watch this one [warning, very disturbing content]:
Or this one [also very disturbing]:
None of these were the country this little boy was in. But the country he is in was listed in the second video. As that video said, the conditions are generally the same in institutions all over the world. It brought a chill to my spine, and tears to my eyes, and a bit of anger to read when someone's blog declared that NO ONE WANTED HIM:

I did...[click here for an older post] He wasn't un-noticed.
This year on my birthday there will be a cake for Alexander instead. For a present I hope to help find his family and will be starting fundraisers for him. Look at him everyone, you can SEE his joy and his potential. Now look at him and think of him in one of the places as posted above. I can hardly stand to think of it. I wanted him. I can't have him. Hopefully this and this woman's blog post will have someone somewhere who can have him wanting him too.
He can't wait anymore. Contact Andrea at Reeces Rainbow about Alexander today.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Chinese Adoption Older Child

"She is 13 years old and in Shanghai. She is an orphan living in an orphanage. Bella has six months to find a family. If this doesn't happen by February, she no longer be eligible for adoption. AT ALL, EVER. Let's not let that happen. Let's spread the word, give her a chance at a mother, a father, siblings, and an education.
Could you be her parents?"
Ok all. She's 13. She's going to be only 14. Only 14 years old, everyone. If she doesn't have a family by then -- she never will. And she will have to face this world on her own, she will have to face life alone. She will have to grow up early, way too soon. And face all the trials of young adolescence alone. She will have to face loss alone. She will have to face the social stigma of her home country and their male preference/one child policy - alone. The fact that she was an orphan will not help this. Look at her picture. You can see it in her face, the mix of hope and despair that this is her time is running out and this photo might be her last chance. Think of your kids, or think of yourself at age 14 and then think about how young you really really were. She will have to face all that and more -- alone. All the confusion, alone. She will have to do what it takes to survive. Do you even want to think about it?
We've all seen miracles happen for these kids here in the blogging world lately; lets try for another. Please put her on your blog or website or face book. And if you are looking for adopting a Chinese child, or have searched and found this blog by looking for older Chinese children, please, she's just a baby. Do something to save this little girl. This, is all I can do, and I almost put off posting this until tomorrow.. but then, as I prepared to leave her page to go look at websites I've already visited six times tonight in hopes that something might have changed on one of them I realised that while I have until tomorrow to post this -- Bella doesn't. She has until February. That's it.
This older boy in China is 13 and has only 20 days left to find his family before he can never be adopted, ever. PLEASE CONSIDER HIM [posted Dec 21, 2010]
For more information about Bella or how to get in touch with people who know where to find her please visit this blog. The contact email are at the bottom of the featured blog post. Thank you.
Hope is Fading – Orphan Sunday from Allan Rosenow on Vimeo.
1 child policy,
adopt older child,
chinese adoption,
Prayer Request,
The Need to Post This:
I feel the need to post this for someone. Maybe a lot of someones. Such sweet wisdom in one little childhood song...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Please Do Not Spam This Blog...
...recently I have been receiving spam instead of comments on topics entirely not related to what is posted here. This is why my comments are moderated for approval before they are ever seen; this isn't about diet pills, or magazines or depression, etc -- with a link left in hopes that other people will see it and visit.
If you would like ME to include a link to your blog please ask me first. Please do not just throw it into a comment as though its alright. I feel that is rude, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. I am sorry if this offends you but this is MY blog.
That said, a good percentage of the comments here are not spam, and I thank you and I am sorry I have to post this. Thank you for your visits here and your input as well. I hope you will continue to do so.
If you would like ME to include a link to your blog please ask me first. Please do not just throw it into a comment as though its alright. I feel that is rude, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. I am sorry if this offends you but this is MY blog.
That said, a good percentage of the comments here are not spam, and I thank you and I am sorry I have to post this. Thank you for your visits here and your input as well. I hope you will continue to do so.
Little Twin Princesses
...you may notice in the right side bar, this button:

Grab This Button
...it is the sponsorship button for this lovely family whom is trying to adopt a pair of adorable twin girls. Prior to being committed to by this family these little twins have been available for adoption for a long long time and I often wondered why someone didn't snap them right up. And right now, this family may have to release their commitment to adopt them while they find a way to finance their home study. Sooo... what do you say everyone, want to help them out so sweet little girlies can come home sooner? What do you think; a cheeseburger for you, or a lifetime for them? Yep, thats all it takes. Hop on over and meet them today. Thanks everyone. Until next time.

Grab This Button
...it is the sponsorship button for this lovely family whom is trying to adopt a pair of adorable twin girls. Prior to being committed to by this family these little twins have been available for adoption for a long long time and I often wondered why someone didn't snap them right up. And right now, this family may have to release their commitment to adopt them while they find a way to finance their home study. Sooo... what do you say everyone, want to help them out so sweet little girlies can come home sooner? What do you think; a cheeseburger for you, or a lifetime for them? Yep, thats all it takes. Hop on over and meet them today. Thanks everyone. Until next time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Orphan Sunday
A blogging friend of mine posted this on her blog, I wanted to thank her, and pass it along:
Hope is Fading – Orphan Sunday from Allan Rosenow on Vimeo.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
...is almost gone, and I have been quiet.
This month brought more changes, but they say change is good - yet the impact can be hard. Thing is, I do believe things happen for a reason, and there are still things from August whirling about to be done.
But I will, somehow, find the courage, to go on, to say what I have to say, and to more than one person.
“Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.”
This month brought more changes, but they say change is good - yet the impact can be hard. Thing is, I do believe things happen for a reason, and there are still things from August whirling about to be done.
But I will, somehow, find the courage, to go on, to say what I have to say, and to more than one person.
“Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.”
Sunday, October 10, 2010
...a date that only happens once in a lifetime -- less of a chance than Haley's Comet even! lol! A date that happen once, in a thousand years! Like someone else wrote its a date we only get to say once so I thought I'd say it here. Hope it was a good one for you all!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Featured Blog: Bring the Rain
You might all have seen the "I Am a Sunday" button in the right side bar of this blog. That button is a direct link to a beautiful site called, "Bring the Rain."
I have decided to start featuring my favorite blogs I read with a post from time to time to share with you. This one is the first, and this blog in particular Bring the Rain, by Angie Smith - has touched my heart and helped me in so many ways, when happy, or when sad. Join us Sundays and Angie today at Bring the Rain as she blogs her beautiful life with her daughters and husband, her faith and her amazingly beautiful and inspirational story of one precious baby girl - Audrey Caroline.
Bring the Rain,
featured blogs,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
From the Ground Up:
A blog friend of mine recently went to EE and brought home an older boy whom had been on my heart for years. It was amazing to see their journey and I found myself wishing to adopt an older child as well. Sure, it may be a struggle, there will be adjustments, but is the same when new people of any age comes into your life, and not just kids. What a blessing for sure. My blogging friend has now started advocating for the older orphans of E.E. on a new blog: EE's Orhans.
Bringing home an older child is different yes. They are who they are, bringing with them memories in tact that adoptive parents treasure for younger children whom cannot remember for themselves and whole heartily pass on to help them achieve a sense of identity.
Older children have their own memories and an already developing sense of identity. And while some of those memories might not be good ones, I would think surely they cannot all be bad ones either. After all who does not have some bad memories? Who hasn't been hurt? What about the fun memories or the favorite food to share?
That is what you are for.
When God made us, he broke the mold for each of us. Everyone is different. But everyone needs love and understanding.
There is an amazing feeling you get when you watch an older child learn they are loved, there is an amazing kind of wonder mixed with amusement, amazement and endearment in perhaps the mixture of naive-itivity and innocent wisdom that we have adults have sometimes lost that older kids put back in your lives. Yes, there is frustration too, but there is strength. There will be hard times yes, but there is love. There might be questions, but God always answers. Always.
These are his children too.
Some people say, you change them. But they change you too. You might wonder why you didn't do this before with an older child. You might want to do it again. All of this I found myself wishing for while I followed the adoption of a very special boy. Please visit EE's Orphans today and watch them work their way from the ground up.
Bringing home an older child is different yes. They are who they are, bringing with them memories in tact that adoptive parents treasure for younger children whom cannot remember for themselves and whole heartily pass on to help them achieve a sense of identity.
Older children have their own memories and an already developing sense of identity. And while some of those memories might not be good ones, I would think surely they cannot all be bad ones either. After all who does not have some bad memories? Who hasn't been hurt? What about the fun memories or the favorite food to share?
That is what you are for.
When God made us, he broke the mold for each of us. Everyone is different. But everyone needs love and understanding.
There is an amazing feeling you get when you watch an older child learn they are loved, there is an amazing kind of wonder mixed with amusement, amazement and endearment in perhaps the mixture of naive-itivity and innocent wisdom that we have adults have sometimes lost that older kids put back in your lives. Yes, there is frustration too, but there is strength. There will be hard times yes, but there is love. There might be questions, but God always answers. Always.
These are his children too.
Some people say, you change them. But they change you too. You might wonder why you didn't do this before with an older child. You might want to do it again. All of this I found myself wishing for while I followed the adoption of a very special boy. Please visit EE's Orphans today and watch them work their way from the ground up.
Alyssa and Marek
Alyssa and Marek's mommy and daddy also need help. They are short a bit of money to finish up the 'red tape' to bring the kids home. Contact them or catch up with their journey here. Have a good day everyone.
international adoption,
Reece's Rainbow,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Do You Remember Lera?

Monday, September 27, 2010
God's Army Marched: Yulia's 20,000 has been made
The financial burden has been taken away. God is so good! God is good and his people are amazing, in five days, the 20,000 needed for Yulia's (see post below) adoption to be funded has been made! 313 people over a matter of just five days has made this possible, and those are just the ones who were able to chip in before the goal was reached. I am certain there are many others out there whom would have liked to do so, just as I am pretty certain your donations will still be more than welcomed. Beyond that 313 are the many many people who talked about her and prayed for her and continued to pass the word on. This is a countless army marching for this sweet girl, amazing to watch the hand of God, amazing to watch this true miracle come to life in front of us all.
Thank you Adeye for answering his call. It was your most important post, and one very special little girl on the other side of the sea is very very loved. Her life has already been used for his Glory and is so gently cradled in his hand. He has her a very special family picked out I am certain. Keep praying that He leads them forth. I can't wait to see who is chosen for her, and will include that update here too. Thank you God for your miracle. Thank you for this precious little girl. Thank you for letting us all be part of her life. I didn't start it, but I want to thank everyone who prayed, paid, cried or passed word on. Keep going. We need to find her family now. God's Army on the move. Onward soldiers, pray on.
From the Bottom of My Heart,
This song goes out to my sweet Mara too, this child whom has been on my heart for years. Whom has to have decisions made for her. Please, without too much detail, pray for her tonight. God is greater than the will of men, there is no impossible with him. We have seen miracle here in a matter of days. Pray, pray hard, for another. Your few seconds of silent whispered prayer while even reading this can move mountains and change her life. 'That's what faith can do.'
Thank you everyone. With love, and have a good night.
Thank you Adeye for answering his call. It was your most important post, and one very special little girl on the other side of the sea is very very loved. Her life has already been used for his Glory and is so gently cradled in his hand. He has her a very special family picked out I am certain. Keep praying that He leads them forth. I can't wait to see who is chosen for her, and will include that update here too. Thank you God for your miracle. Thank you for this precious little girl. Thank you for letting us all be part of her life. I didn't start it, but I want to thank everyone who prayed, paid, cried or passed word on. Keep going. We need to find her family now. God's Army on the move. Onward soldiers, pray on.
From the Bottom of My Heart,
This song goes out to my sweet Mara too, this child whom has been on my heart for years. Whom has to have decisions made for her. Please, without too much detail, pray for her tonight. God is greater than the will of men, there is no impossible with him. We have seen miracle here in a matter of days. Pray, pray hard, for another. Your few seconds of silent whispered prayer while even reading this can move mountains and change her life. 'That's what faith can do.'
Thank you everyone. With love, and have a good night.
international adoption,
Prayer Request,
special needs adoption,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
God is Calling His Army...

But for sweet princess Yulia, that isn't all of it. Baby Yulia has an extremely rare condition called Cockayne Syndrome. This is a disorder that causes pre-mature aging.. giving children who are born with it a shortened lifespan most commonly between 4 and 10 years... other symptoms include imparment of hearing and and vision, degeneration of the central nervous system, and so on.
Oh my goodness, to have to go through life faced with that? And then to have to go through life alone without love, without worth, without value, without someone to hold you and assure you when you are afraid. I can't even start to imagine it! This, I am guessing, is the reason that sweet little Yulia is left in a laying room just waiting to die. Yes, everyone, waiting to die. Tears threaten my eyes at that thought. How can this happen? Why should it be allowed to happen? Why does it have to happen this way?
Thing is everyone -- it doesn't have to happen this way. It shouldn't be allowed to happen and further -- it CAN'T happen. God's army is being called to stop it from happening.
Lets go back to 3 in the morning for a moment. I woke up with the urge to check my computer, and there the post about Yulia was. I was astonished and in tears. This little girl, Yulia, has been tugging on my mind ever since I heard about her. I remember just a few days ago I was laying there thinking about her for no real reason and I found myself terrified that no one would go for her. Who could? Who could love someone just to loose them like that and knowing they would loose them like that? Who would willingly let their hearts be broken like that. I felt that would be, outside of funding, the biggest block to this baby getting a family -- the fear of loosing her. But those dispairing thoughts were cut short with the memory of Miss Chrissie Patterson... and the family who went for her and loves her still and what she taught and moved thousands of people with in her little precious life. Oh my, someone is out there who will wrap thier arms around little Yulia if only they could, if only they had the funds. Fear is huge but God is bigger, put it aside and allow yourself to give into him and that selfless kind of love. I came to realise then that I would go and get her. I would have to shove that fear of loosing her aside and would gladly do so if only to know and give that precious kind of love. Would it be easy - no. Would it hurt, absolutely so. But would it be worth it just to feel her little fingers latch onto yours for that wisdom and reassurance that no matter what happens, you love her and are there to protect her, that no matter what happens --- it WILL be alright.
That is what love is. But, with tears I have to face it and tell myself -- I can't go and get her... for all the same reasons I couldn't go and get any child from over there. But what I can do is listen to God's call to summon his army to burst open windows and doors for this little girl. Adeye started something this morning with her blog post for Yulia -- asking us all to give money or at least post her on our blogs and twitter and facebook accounts, to get her story out there to open these doors for her, to tell the world about Yulia... loud and clear -- because its what God wants. How do I know that? He doesn't have plans to hurt us.
So I tossed and turned it all over in my head, trying to think of how to write this blog, knowing I had to do this but not knowing how. Finally, I just sat down and wrote whatever came out. And if the God of the Universe has put this child on my heart and asked me to March forward for her -- I will. Won't you? What she needs most is a family, if she has a family the money will follow. If someone out there hears about her in all our shouting, will step forward. And if you can't be that family, she needs money, so that all her family has to do is the paperwork and get on a plane for her. For this precious angel we need to take away the barrier of cost. Can you donate to her grant fund? You can find it here. Or you can donate through the red chip in box in the right side bar of your screen. Please help in any way you can, even if it is just telling about her and posting her picture and story on your blog. Yes, there is a family for Yulia. We just have to find them...
If anyone would like more information about Yulia please contact Andrea Roberts at Reece's Rainbow or Adeye at nogreaterjoymom.com
[mean and hurtful comments will be immediately deleted]
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Corinthians 13:4-8:
"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perservers. Love never fails."
A Moment of Silence
Today, you all know, is the anniversary of the tragic event. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people lost and their families. Like Pearl Harbor, this is another day that will live on in our memories forever, and in the memories of generations to come. Do you remember the way we all stood united that day despite race or political party? We had people who didn't even know each other holding the flag of this country high in the streets. That is what America is -- ONE nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible... with Liberty and Justice for all -- these are more than just words but a way of life.
With Honor to all our heroes, the fallen and those left to carry on..
God Bless America.
With Honor to all our heroes, the fallen and those left to carry on..
God Bless America.
Friday, August 27, 2010
August has been a quiet month. Winds of change have been forming and blowing and have now come full head to storm. I am disheartened, I am betrayed. I've not been online. Please pray. Please hold your head high in these troubled times.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Updated the Blog Again...
...changed out the color scheme this time too and made a new blog header too. What do you think? I do sell these for a few dollars each. They are very customizable depending on artist interpretation and what I've available in my content library. Not quite comfortable with using pics of your kids/or the kids you are adopting on your blog? No problem. Also, I will offer these out to be used for adoption fundraisers too! Just let me know, you can leave a comment or email me. Take care all! Have a good day!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Thank You...
...everyone! Thank you for the prayers! Sweet little Monroe [see entry below] has a committed family! This is amazing and I am so grateful! He won't have to go to an institution and be tied to a crib, he will get medical attention and love, enough to eat, schooling, friends and most of all family! This is an example of the power of prayer! Thank you all for putting this before Him.
adopt older child,
Prayer Request,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Some Time Ago...

To echo Meridith -- "Really?"
Monroe has spastic cerebral palsy. He also has a GRANT of 20,000 to cover his adoption and to keep him out of an institution.
I know some families are not prepared for this but somewhere, someone is and can. We just have to find that someone. I do hope his family is out there to get him. I do hope they have only to see his sweet little face. If you can't bring him home, please pass word of him on. Please, I know I ask this often of you bloggers, I know, but sometimes its all I can do. It takes one minute - one minute that can change his life. Like little Lera, it could be YOUR blog post that changes Monroe's life!
Here is his profile from Reece's Rainbow:
Monroe (12)
BOY, Born February 4, 2005
Monroe is a sunshine of a little boy! He is already 5 and blessed to still be at the baby house. He needs a family right away!
From a missionary who visited with him in June 2010: I met with the doctor in his Groupa House who brought me back to meet him. The Head Doctor wanted me to meet the children who needed equipment. While measuring him for a chair, she explained to me what was more important was that he get a family. He will be traferred in six months to the worst institution, restrained in a crib in a dark room. She broke into tears! Monroe has spastic cerebral palsy in all four limbs and is globally delayed. He is able to recognize the voices of his careworkers and understand simple directions. However, due to his spasticity he is unable to do much of anything. No speech. With therapy he can improve but will always have limitations. I measured his head circumfeence and once home will check with a doctor regtarding whether ir not he is microcephalic as well. I will try to gather more information on him today. His temperament was sweet and his eyes twinkled. He needs a family fast!
From an adoptive family who visited with him in June 2009: Monroe has CP. It appears that he is unable to use his arms and legs and is not sitting up on his own. He has the most beautiful smile and I don't think there is much of a cognitive delay. He loves to be held and his whole face lights up when you come near him."
*** Monroe has an incredible benefactor who has offered a FULL GRANT of $20,000 for his adoption. He is facing imminent institutionalization, and will regress quickly once he is transferred. Families who are qualified (www.reecesrainbow.org/newfamily.html) to adopt internationally and who are approved to adopt a significantly delayed child should contact Andrea for more information. This is a very fast program and it is very possible to have him home before the end of 2010! ***
Only families with at least one parent under age 50 can adopt Monroe from his country. Must be a heterosexual married couple.
I have $20,000 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!
...all his family has to do is go get him. So, what do you say everyone, if that lady could bring home severely disabled kids decades ago -- can't we find a home for and get one little boy home today? Contact Andrea at Reeces Rainbow about Monroe today. Thanks for your time everyone.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
One of a Kind:
“The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”
--Pablo Casals
--Pablo Casals
Saturday, July 17, 2010
This Little Boy and I...

Alexander (20)
OH, what a difference a new picture can make!! Alexander has been listed with us for more than 2 years, and not a soul has ever inquired about him. Up until now, the only photos we have had of him were laying down in a crib, never showing him up and mobile and active! But look at him!! What a great smile, and so much life in him!
Alexander is a handsome little boy who really needs a loving family. He has dark hair and brown eyes. He is already 5! He was born with a minor PDA, but does not have pulmonary hypertension. He also has flat feet. Please give Alexander the chance to grow up in a loving family He has already turned 5, so he is facing imminent institutionalization!
Click HERE for Alexander's Page at Reece's Rainbow. You may have to scroll down a bit but he is there.
Click HERE for Alexander's Page at Reece's Rainbow. You may have to scroll down a bit but he is there.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Matthew 17:20

"And Jesus said to them, Because of your unbelief: for truly I say to you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you."
Matthew 17:20
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Acts 17:26
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live…
bible quotations,
Prayer Request,
About A Small World:
Ok, have you ever really thought about the words? So many different people, so many different languages --- all --- the same --- song....
Look beyond the Disneyland part of it for a moment and really listen. Have a good day all!
Look beyond the Disneyland part of it for a moment and really listen. Have a good day all!
S.O.S: I am not kidding
As a teenager I went to church camp every year, one summer the theme of the camp was S.O.S. -- not meaning the "save our ship" that is normally accredited for, but instead: "Save Our Souls"
What Faith is About:
...hey everyone,
Its true, I don't know you. I thought I shouldn't post this so open and bare to a world of strangers I don't know, I was afraid to, I was afraid of what you would all think and do. Then I realised that was what the devil wanted -- for me to be afraid to speak up for people who don't have a voice; so they will remain in the silent dark of his misery even as they scream so loud with voices that cannot be heard.
Mine can.
So how can I turn away from someone whom needs me to talk for her most? I can't. So even at the risk of my own comfort and security -- here goes:
I wanted to make this a post with all sorts of description, but I don't have the words... something so tragic is hanging in balance, so horrifically tragic and unfair to one little child whom has no say in the matter.
Please, please, please, please.... even if I don't know you, even if you came to this blog by mistake or by a search engine or by some random link, please stop and say a prayer for little Mara today, that a miracle might move in two people who play an important part in a decision for her that will effect the rest of her life.
I have to be Cryptic, but God understands. Will you take this leap of faith with me for one little orphan girl? Will you take a few moments to pray for an absolute stranger at the request of someone you've never met without an idea what its really about? Will you take that leap of faith? Will you past the request on? All of you --- please...
In faith,
What Faith is About:
...hey everyone,
Its true, I don't know you. I thought I shouldn't post this so open and bare to a world of strangers I don't know, I was afraid to, I was afraid of what you would all think and do. Then I realised that was what the devil wanted -- for me to be afraid to speak up for people who don't have a voice; so they will remain in the silent dark of his misery even as they scream so loud with voices that cannot be heard.
Mine can.
So how can I turn away from someone whom needs me to talk for her most? I can't. So even at the risk of my own comfort and security -- here goes:
I wanted to make this a post with all sorts of description, but I don't have the words... something so tragic is hanging in balance, so horrifically tragic and unfair to one little child whom has no say in the matter.
Please, please, please, please.... even if I don't know you, even if you came to this blog by mistake or by a search engine or by some random link, please stop and say a prayer for little Mara today, that a miracle might move in two people who play an important part in a decision for her that will effect the rest of her life.
I have to be Cryptic, but God understands. Will you take this leap of faith with me for one little orphan girl? Will you take a few moments to pray for an absolute stranger at the request of someone you've never met without an idea what its really about? Will you take that leap of faith? Will you past the request on? All of you --- please...
In faith,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Proverbs 3:27:
"Do not withhold any good thing from those who deserve it when it is in your power to help them"
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Adopt a Blind Child
UPDATE 02.20.12: I am happy to announce that Dmitriy has been found by a family! And since I've had several visitors come to this page by searching for 'adopt blind children' here are a few more links to kids who need us:
"I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring." ~Liz Armbruster.
I wrote the title the way I did in hopes of drawing people in from search engines whom are looking for a beautiful little boy! Welcome to my blog!
Meet sweet Dmitriy, he has been waiting on Reece's Rainbow for almost 3 years. [his name is a link to the page he is on, you might have to scroll a bit to find him and a bit more info there] This is the same Dmitry I've posted about here before and I would commit to him and bring him home in a matter of seconds if I could. But I can't.... so how about you? I am following Mara's adoption, and Freddie's too, hopefully I can follow Dmitriy's soon too!
Clicking on his 'label' below will bring you to other entries I have written with him in it, including one with a picture he was younger in. Someone go get sweet Dmitriy for their own. :)
"I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring." ~Liz Armbruster.
I wrote the title the way I did in hopes of drawing people in from search engines whom are looking for a beautiful little boy! Welcome to my blog!

Clicking on his 'label' below will bring you to other entries I have written with him in it, including one with a picture he was younger in. Someone go get sweet Dmitriy for their own. :)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My Sweet Mara:
A wonderful, wonderful family has finally found my sweet Mara and they will be going to get her and bring her home. Please everyone, what they need now mostly is prayer, God will know what you are praying for if you pray for Mara's family, for things to work in their favor. We want to flood the Heavens with prayers for her. Please. I can't ask enough, and not just once but every time you think of it over the next couple weeks. I love this little girl as though she were my very own...
A Good Question:
"Sometime I would like to ask God why He allows so much poverty, famine, suffering and injustice in the world when He could do something about it, but I am afraid He might ask me the same question."
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Friday, June 25, 2010
Urgent Plea for Freddie:
...yes, you all, so many of you have stepped forward in this and I am grateful, and so is his family I am sure, please do not think this is a lack of gratitude because it goes beyond measurable words -- thank you.
And yes, you all, I am asking again for people to help Freddie's family any way they can, funding, prayers or word of mouth or blogging -- do whatever you can. I've seen blogging work miracles. I want to help. Its all I can do! So I am shouting it loud and clear. This is Freddie's last chance, when he turns 16 he can't be adopted. Lets work a miracle for Freddie!
You see, Freddie, is 15, his family is one week away from travel and have come to another road bump. The family that is trying to adopt him can say it better than I can, please read about this road bump here and help them however you can. Thank you.
And yes, you all, I am asking again for people to help Freddie's family any way they can, funding, prayers or word of mouth or blogging -- do whatever you can. I've seen blogging work miracles. I want to help. Its all I can do! So I am shouting it loud and clear. This is Freddie's last chance, when he turns 16 he can't be adopted. Lets work a miracle for Freddie!
You see, Freddie, is 15, his family is one week away from travel and have come to another road bump. The family that is trying to adopt him can say it better than I can, please read about this road bump here and help them however you can. Thank you.
Stop Reading and Go Get Them...
Hi Everyone.
About the blog title, I don't say it bitterly, I don't say it with anger or with contempt. I say it as a plea. 90% of you are likely on this blog because you are interested in some way about adoption. That said -- if you can adopt, if you meet the requirements, adopt, do it now. Go and get one of these kids, or one of these kids. They are not just a last resort to infertility -- they are children. If you can't adopt right now sponsor or talk about them any way you can so that someone who can adopt can go and get them.
If you are here and haven't thought of adopting, why not? Do you qualify? If you've always thought you would adopt 'someday' then why isn't that day today? These kids cannot wait for 'someday' -- I can't write it enough, their lives are at stake RIGHT NOW.
Does it cost alot -- you bet. Isn't it a hassle -- absolutely so. Won't having a kid shake up your life so much more than the comfortable way you live it now -- yes, wonderfully so. Do you think they are comfortable sitting in cribs, barely being fed and only being 'bathed' part of the time? Shouldn't we be compassionate enough to give up our comfortable lives only to help the lives of a little boy or girl, or at that -- a big boy or girl-- that they might be comfortable, happy and fed? And when its all said and done this child will become such a part of your life you couldn't imagine how you ever lived without them in it?
I am struggling with my own trial, I have been now for six years. My question to God was this; "What is all this free agency stuff? How come I can't have what I want? How come I have to give up my own happiness and everything I want all the time so everyone else can be happy? How come I have to give up everything I have for someone else?" I prayed this question, I begged this question, I shouted this question out in anger for years... years.
And one night while cleaning the tables at work I was hit with the answer to that question; Jesus gave up everything -- everything for all of us. He gave up everything for people who even hated him ...aren't we supposed to be like Jesus?
So how much will it cost? Won't it be hard? Won't it hurt and will it make a difference to get one of these kids?
How much did it cost Jesus to do what he did for us? Don't you think it was hard? Don't you think it hurt?
And now the big one: Don't you think it made a difference?
I am not asking you to save the world, just the world for one little kid. You can be the difference in thier lives, you can take them out of these cribs and love them, and they can be the difference in your lives too... amazingly so.
Adeye writes it better than I can ever say in this entry on her blog. Look at those kids everyone. Those children specifically and that blog entry inspired this blog entry. Could one of them be yours? Really, one little child? Isn't it worth it?
I will keep talking for them. Keep in mind, you can speak your mind, yell at me all you want and tell me how out of line I am -- but I will not post the comment here. This blog is about HOPE and that is what I am trying to do here. Such a small percentage of the population can make it so there are no more orphans in this world. So -- why don't we?
On a side note,
Mara, the little girl I fell in love with, has disappeared from the Reece's Rainbow site and I don't know why. I had hoped she finally had a family but every time I check she's not posted on the my family found me page yet. So pray for Mara with me? That she might be ok.
About the blog title, I don't say it bitterly, I don't say it with anger or with contempt. I say it as a plea. 90% of you are likely on this blog because you are interested in some way about adoption. That said -- if you can adopt, if you meet the requirements, adopt, do it now. Go and get one of these kids, or one of these kids. They are not just a last resort to infertility -- they are children. If you can't adopt right now sponsor or talk about them any way you can so that someone who can adopt can go and get them.
If you are here and haven't thought of adopting, why not? Do you qualify? If you've always thought you would adopt 'someday' then why isn't that day today? These kids cannot wait for 'someday' -- I can't write it enough, their lives are at stake RIGHT NOW.
Does it cost alot -- you bet. Isn't it a hassle -- absolutely so. Won't having a kid shake up your life so much more than the comfortable way you live it now -- yes, wonderfully so. Do you think they are comfortable sitting in cribs, barely being fed and only being 'bathed' part of the time? Shouldn't we be compassionate enough to give up our comfortable lives only to help the lives of a little boy or girl, or at that -- a big boy or girl-- that they might be comfortable, happy and fed? And when its all said and done this child will become such a part of your life you couldn't imagine how you ever lived without them in it?
I am struggling with my own trial, I have been now for six years. My question to God was this; "What is all this free agency stuff? How come I can't have what I want? How come I have to give up my own happiness and everything I want all the time so everyone else can be happy? How come I have to give up everything I have for someone else?" I prayed this question, I begged this question, I shouted this question out in anger for years... years.
And one night while cleaning the tables at work I was hit with the answer to that question; Jesus gave up everything -- everything for all of us. He gave up everything for people who even hated him ...aren't we supposed to be like Jesus?
So how much will it cost? Won't it be hard? Won't it hurt and will it make a difference to get one of these kids?
How much did it cost Jesus to do what he did for us? Don't you think it was hard? Don't you think it hurt?
And now the big one: Don't you think it made a difference?
I am not asking you to save the world, just the world for one little kid. You can be the difference in thier lives, you can take them out of these cribs and love them, and they can be the difference in your lives too... amazingly so.
Adeye writes it better than I can ever say in this entry on her blog. Look at those kids everyone. Those children specifically and that blog entry inspired this blog entry. Could one of them be yours? Really, one little child? Isn't it worth it?
I will keep talking for them. Keep in mind, you can speak your mind, yell at me all you want and tell me how out of line I am -- but I will not post the comment here. This blog is about HOPE and that is what I am trying to do here. Such a small percentage of the population can make it so there are no more orphans in this world. So -- why don't we?
On a side note,
Mara, the little girl I fell in love with, has disappeared from the Reece's Rainbow site and I don't know why. I had hoped she finally had a family but every time I check she's not posted on the my family found me page yet. So pray for Mara with me? That she might be ok.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
...my two cents on a few things:
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. "
--Mother Teresa
People ask me why, still, adopt overseas orphans instead of our own. The fact is I am not saying not to adopt our own at all. I think all orphans need a family, here or overseas. I believe that God knows and will lead you where to go, sure, it might look like it is yourself, and agencies, etc -- but was it a successful adoption, or did it fall through? If it doesn't work, most likely it wasn't meant to be. I know that is why I can't adopt right now. I don't have the means but the means will come.
So, why Overseas? They will die without us. In cribs or beds, alone, its not just something people whom advocate for them say -- it is the sad truth -- they will be transferred to institutions like these [warning, disturbing content] -- and not just in the country featured in the example video.
Yes, they are disabled. But they are JUST KIDS. Taken out of conditions like those shown they can thrive, improve, develop, learn and grow.
I read a story once on an adoptive mother's blog about how the orphanage her daughter was at was not expecting her and she walked in to find all the kids tied to the wooden slats of a playpen when she went to visit her little girl.
Here, this is neglect and child abuse. Here, the perpetrator would be investigated, arrested, tried and if found guilty -- sent to jail. There -- these people are paid to do this. These children are OBJECTS to most, less than animals, a paycheck to take home. Yes, that sounds harsh. I know, but it is the hard reality of MOST over there.
In the USA, this does not happen. These kids here are in 'the system' yes, but they have A CHANCE. However slight it is, they at least have a chance to make it and the support and help they need, they get to go to school and get an education, they are integrated into a family with the idea of being taught values behind it. They are valued members of society.
In the United States most people want toddlers or babies, its hard to be an older child or a teen. The stigma is that older kids are already 'wired' to act one way or another and are not shape-able anymore. -- Right. Tell me, at what age do you stop learning and loving and growing emotionally and spiritually?
In International Adoptions most people want toddlers or babies too. Most often when you say international adoption you think of China. China, is one of the hardest, if not the hardest program to adopt from in the world. You can't be single, you can't be over a certain age, you even have to fall within a certain BMI weight as well. These are just a few of their requirements. I've heard they say its because they are trying to find 'families for children' not 'children for families'
That, I applaud and agree with. And yet, find hard to believe. Why does adopting from China take over two years?? They say its because they don't have enough kids there? And yet you have kids in china just sitting in orphanages and waiting and dying that are considered "not adoptable" why? Because they are missing a leg, have a cleft palate, have down syndrome, cerebral palsy? Is it because they were born a girl? There are PLENTY of children in China for ALL people to bring home. So why don't they let them go? Are their requirements for who is adoptable and whom is not just as strict?? They don't want them -- they allow only one kid per household. That in itself is adding to the problem of their over population, because they all only can have one child - most little girls get abandoned because boys carry the family name. Yet, abandoned girls are STILL there. They are STILL adding to the population. Soo.. why not allow TWO children per household?? This will give them a second chance to have a boy AND get kids out of orphanages and out of streets -- thus causing a drop in population. Sadly, China is not the only country.
I know that I am outside of the picture in all of these scenarios and as such I don't have all the facts, only just what I think and see, and so might be a bit unfair in my judgment. I do not understand these ways and how this is right. This blog gets MANY international hits daily. I am not trying to offend anyone or say that I understand their ways.
Another little girl in an East European orphanage died last week, without her family, alone. Her special need -- she was blind. Thats it. So how does a blind child die at age 4?
Like with Elton John when he wanted to adopt an HIV baby boy from Ukraine and was denied because he didn't have a 'legal marriage,' because it was policy. So what. He is a knight for goodness sake. That aside, if its about the kids, why not give them to the people whom want them, whom can love them and give them life? How can it be better for the child to be left in an orphanage as another statistic to die?
Just my two cents, that's all. I know I am waaay out of the picture and only have the half of it. But I, for one, want to adopt from Foster Care. I want to adopt from Overseas. Older kids or younger, whomever God places in my family.
Adopt kids from the USA, whole-heartily and yes I intend to, but also kids from overseas too. God doesn't pick one over the other - why should we? He loves "all the children of the world", and so should we. How can you love God, and not his children? All of them?
Take care, everyone.
--Mother Teresa
People ask me why, still, adopt overseas orphans instead of our own. The fact is I am not saying not to adopt our own at all. I think all orphans need a family, here or overseas. I believe that God knows and will lead you where to go, sure, it might look like it is yourself, and agencies, etc -- but was it a successful adoption, or did it fall through? If it doesn't work, most likely it wasn't meant to be. I know that is why I can't adopt right now. I don't have the means but the means will come.
So, why Overseas? They will die without us. In cribs or beds, alone, its not just something people whom advocate for them say -- it is the sad truth -- they will be transferred to institutions like these [warning, disturbing content] -- and not just in the country featured in the example video.
Yes, they are disabled. But they are JUST KIDS. Taken out of conditions like those shown they can thrive, improve, develop, learn and grow.
I read a story once on an adoptive mother's blog about how the orphanage her daughter was at was not expecting her and she walked in to find all the kids tied to the wooden slats of a playpen when she went to visit her little girl.
Here, this is neglect and child abuse. Here, the perpetrator would be investigated, arrested, tried and if found guilty -- sent to jail. There -- these people are paid to do this. These children are OBJECTS to most, less than animals, a paycheck to take home. Yes, that sounds harsh. I know, but it is the hard reality of MOST over there.
In the USA, this does not happen. These kids here are in 'the system' yes, but they have A CHANCE. However slight it is, they at least have a chance to make it and the support and help they need, they get to go to school and get an education, they are integrated into a family with the idea of being taught values behind it. They are valued members of society.
In the United States most people want toddlers or babies, its hard to be an older child or a teen. The stigma is that older kids are already 'wired' to act one way or another and are not shape-able anymore. -- Right. Tell me, at what age do you stop learning and loving and growing emotionally and spiritually?
In International Adoptions most people want toddlers or babies too. Most often when you say international adoption you think of China. China, is one of the hardest, if not the hardest program to adopt from in the world. You can't be single, you can't be over a certain age, you even have to fall within a certain BMI weight as well. These are just a few of their requirements. I've heard they say its because they are trying to find 'families for children' not 'children for families'
That, I applaud and agree with. And yet, find hard to believe. Why does adopting from China take over two years?? They say its because they don't have enough kids there? And yet you have kids in china just sitting in orphanages and waiting and dying that are considered "not adoptable" why? Because they are missing a leg, have a cleft palate, have down syndrome, cerebral palsy? Is it because they were born a girl? There are PLENTY of children in China for ALL people to bring home. So why don't they let them go? Are their requirements for who is adoptable and whom is not just as strict?? They don't want them -- they allow only one kid per household. That in itself is adding to the problem of their over population, because they all only can have one child - most little girls get abandoned because boys carry the family name. Yet, abandoned girls are STILL there. They are STILL adding to the population. Soo.. why not allow TWO children per household?? This will give them a second chance to have a boy AND get kids out of orphanages and out of streets -- thus causing a drop in population. Sadly, China is not the only country.
I know that I am outside of the picture in all of these scenarios and as such I don't have all the facts, only just what I think and see, and so might be a bit unfair in my judgment. I do not understand these ways and how this is right. This blog gets MANY international hits daily. I am not trying to offend anyone or say that I understand their ways.
Another little girl in an East European orphanage died last week, without her family, alone. Her special need -- she was blind. Thats it. So how does a blind child die at age 4?
Like with Elton John when he wanted to adopt an HIV baby boy from Ukraine and was denied because he didn't have a 'legal marriage,' because it was policy. So what. He is a knight for goodness sake. That aside, if its about the kids, why not give them to the people whom want them, whom can love them and give them life? How can it be better for the child to be left in an orphanage as another statistic to die?
Just my two cents, that's all. I know I am waaay out of the picture and only have the half of it. But I, for one, want to adopt from Foster Care. I want to adopt from Overseas. Older kids or younger, whomever God places in my family.
Adopt kids from the USA, whole-heartily and yes I intend to, but also kids from overseas too. God doesn't pick one over the other - why should we? He loves "all the children of the world", and so should we. How can you love God, and not his children? All of them?
Take care, everyone.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Freddie!

Hi Freddie,
...oh you don't know it yet but you are going to be getting the best present this year -- your family is on their way and bringing lots of love with them! Hugs to you and happy 15'th! You will be home soon.
...Another Blog I Read Suggested we Should Watch This...
...they were right. It is far worth the nine minutes. It's a shame that people in our society today still feel the need to act like this. I would like to add it as an embedded video but I cannot find the code, so I will provide a Link HERE instead. Have a good day everyone.
Down Syndrome,
special needs,
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I Get Alot of hits from Searches for Chinese Adoption, Older Child
Usually they get led to this blog entry, but as you can see it is dated back in January and hopefully that little girl has found her home.
That said, click here for some kids in China that are said to be needing homes. And while we are on it, China's got some pretty specific adoption requirements. They are grouped in a listing of other countries so you will have to scroll down.
*EDITED OCT 7, 2010:
Here are some more. If you click this link to another blog and scroll down a bit you will find some more waiting kids.
Hope it helps. Take care all.
That said, click here for some kids in China that are said to be needing homes. And while we are on it, China's got some pretty specific adoption requirements. They are grouped in a listing of other countries so you will have to scroll down.
*EDITED OCT 7, 2010:
Here are some more. If you click this link to another blog and scroll down a bit you will find some more waiting kids.
Hope it helps. Take care all.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
What a Beautiful Celebration Service...
...fit for a princess, so much, indeed. Nothing else could have been more fitting and perfect for sweet Christyn Joy. I 'attended' the service online just a bit ago and am so honored and thankful that the Patterson Family shared their precious baby girl with us all. Chrissie's mission was so clear, and beautifully touching, moving and memorable -- to all this world.
So many countless people that we may never know the true numbers of have been guided back toward God through the hands of this sweet little angel. Patterson Family, thank you, thank you so very much, for the courage the courage to just say Yes, and thank you so much, for sharing the precious gift your daughter is...
...to all the world.
I will remember your little girl for the rest of my life. 'Boss Your Heart' will forever be remembered when needed most.
With prayers and love and all my heart,
So many countless people that we may never know the true numbers of have been guided back toward God through the hands of this sweet little angel. Patterson Family, thank you, thank you so very much, for the courage the courage to just say Yes, and thank you so much, for sharing the precious gift your daughter is...
...to all the world.
I will remember your little girl for the rest of my life. 'Boss Your Heart' will forever be remembered when needed most.
With prayers and love and all my heart,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
"Angels Among Us" -- a Detication to Sweet Christyn Joy and her Family

...my friends,
...this morning right around 3 am I was mopping up the floor at work and randomly thought of sweetest little Chrissie and how she had to have been in the hospital now for about a month.
I've never met her. I don't know her family.
Probably I never will.
And that is fine. That isn't what this is about.
It is amazing how much you can love someone you've never met. One other time on this blog I've shared news like this. I mean no disrespect but instead the highest amount of comfort and love go from me to this sweet family and still to Chrissie.
At around 3 a.m. this morning, on her 1 month anniversary of being hospitalized, sweet little Christyn Joy returned to Heaven to Dance with Jesus.
Chrissie, if there was ever the truth of God's hand here on this Earth it has come through you. Your journey has taught so many people to believe and that he is real. Your little life, of humblest beginnings, had entirely so much worth and you have done so much here.
Enjoy your dancing little one. We will keep you and your precious family in our thoughts and prayers.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Three Years Ago Today...

Whatever you think happened, whomever you think is to blame -- she is still innocent and gone. Please pray for her today if you pray, and maybe pass word on. Lets shed some light on what she might look like today? I've seen blog land create many miracles for kids needing families, maybe we can help bring home one more:
If you have any info or if you think you might have seen her, please contact http://www.findmadeleine.com/
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The Inner Child...
Monday, April 26, 2010
1000 for Freddie

Please, consider giving ten dollars to help Freddie get home. He has grown up watching other kids get adopted and had wondered why he hasn't, he thinks its because of his epilepsy. It is not, like I said before a wonderful, wonderful family want to go get him. They are trying to adopt him and love him and he doesn't even know it.
So, this is the 1000 for Freddie. If 1000 people donated just 10 dollars, his family would have all the money they need to save him from this fate. I myself will be contributing this payday. Thank you so much everyone for listening, and watching, and caring. If you cannot contribute, use your blog, your facebook, your myspace, your instant messenger, your newspaper, whatever means you can to reach these 1000 people. Maybe donate to his puzzle fundraiser. We can change this boy's future.
Donate to bring Freddie home, HERE.
Thanks again.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Oh Little Miss Lera...

For the third time, Lera has lost her adoptive family. At this point there will be no way to keep her out of an institution [where they send special needs orphans in her country]. From what I understand she can still be adopted -if the US delegation is able to convince Russia to leave their program open to Americans. Canadian families may be able to adopt Lera as well. But since she has lost so many families, to adopt her, at this point, only home study ready families will be considered and no match will be made until the initial agency fees are paid. Needless to say -- her situation is critical and the conditions are very specific. Are you her family or maybe know someone whom might be? Please pray for her and blog about her, please pass her information along.
For more information about Lera please contact Andrea Roberts at www.reecesrainbow.com
This Sweet Baby...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This Precious Little Girl...
Monday, April 19, 2010
One More Coming Home...
...my good friend Kimmie and her knight are flying out to Ethiopia to bring home their new sweet princess! Its a beautiful amazing thing and it has been an amazing story! Stop by and visit them today.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Freddie Needs Funds...
...hi all. Is me again, stopping in real quick to tell you again about one of the older boys at Reece's Rainbow -Freddie. Ever since I found the website a couple years ago I worried about one of the kids there, he was 13 at the time, I think, epileptic and living in an eastern European orphanage. This was not good at all - first, like most kids in east Europe orphanages; when he turned sixteen he would be out on the streets, but he would have Epilepsy, a treatable medical condition [I know, I was diagnosed with it myself at age 19. I am in my 30's now and have had only two seizures since.] But out on the street, he would have no treatment. Also, this poor boy has watched other kids get adopted so many times, and not him. And he is a smart boy, he has asked if it was because of his Epilepsy.
Goodness, child, no. I kept thinking over and over again. Like Mara, I would have gone for him if only I possibly could. But for Freddie, you absolutely HAD to be married. So I checked almost every day, hoping someone could see past his age -- well -- someone finally did. A very beautiful family that had been watching him too. You can meet them here.
Freddie will soon be 15. This family has all the love that he can ever ask for and he doesn't even know that someone [alot of someones] really do love him and want him. All that stands in the way is the dollars to get there. What do you say folks? Is your three dollars better spent on a cheeseburger or a child's life? If everyone gave just a few bucks [or posted this on thier blogs if they really cannot] together we can get him out of there and HOME, where he needs to be. Please all, don't just read this, hop on over and paypal her a few dollars today? Post about them to your blog today? Thanks you all.
Debrah in Arizona
PS: Might be another post out today or soon that I wrote on the 6'th -- but I am nervous to post it. Take care.
Goodness, child, no. I kept thinking over and over again. Like Mara, I would have gone for him if only I possibly could. But for Freddie, you absolutely HAD to be married. So I checked almost every day, hoping someone could see past his age -- well -- someone finally did. A very beautiful family that had been watching him too. You can meet them here.
Freddie will soon be 15. This family has all the love that he can ever ask for and he doesn't even know that someone [alot of someones] really do love him and want him. All that stands in the way is the dollars to get there. What do you say folks? Is your three dollars better spent on a cheeseburger or a child's life? If everyone gave just a few bucks [or posted this on thier blogs if they really cannot] together we can get him out of there and HOME, where he needs to be. Please all, don't just read this, hop on over and paypal her a few dollars today? Post about them to your blog today? Thanks you all.
Debrah in Arizona
PS: Might be another post out today or soon that I wrote on the 6'th -- but I am nervous to post it. Take care.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reece's Rainbow,
special needs adoption,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Happy 10'th Birthday Mara!

Blogging for Mara,
Happy Birthday,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My Brother's Wedding...
...was on the 12'th! Congratulations to my brother Michael and sister in law Rhi, and to my little nephew, Mikey the III. Happy ever after, you guys! From me.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mindy's Family...
...I mentioned in the post below that little miss Mindy has a family! For those of you whom would like to meet them you can meet them here. :)
Down Syndrome,
international adoption,
Reece's Rainbow,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happy March!
...well, here it is, month 3 of 2010! Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday I was writing this entry. Time does fly, doesn't it? I meant to tie up February with this post but didn't get to it in time.
But guess what, February was a good month. I am a writer and my first book was released, which is good because I need to bring a particular income bracket up in order to move forward with my something crazy, that I posted about in this entry. Also guess what! MINDY had a family commit to her! Yay! What a sweet little girl. Thank you... thank you God.
Take care everyone. See you around. Happy March.
But guess what, February was a good month. I am a writer and my first book was released, which is good because I need to bring a particular income bracket up in order to move forward with my something crazy, that I posted about in this entry. Also guess what! MINDY had a family commit to her! Yay! What a sweet little girl. Thank you... thank you God.
Take care everyone. See you around. Happy March.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Marching Around Jericho...

What I am about to say might be taken the wrong way by some, but that is not my intention, sometimes I don't word things the best way. But another thing that surfaces when these dolls are in your care and it is your turn to share their purpose and story you suddenly may become nervous about it, you feel may like changing your mind and you think that maybe people will think you are silly for wanting to share dolls with a message to them. Personally, when they were in my care, I argued with myself almost an entire night about if I should hide them in the back instead of having them out front at the desk with me at work. In the end, I knew, that hiding them was not the intention these dolls were created for and this was something God wanted ...how could I hide something God wanted? Others, since Hope and Chance were with me, have related it to feeling silly and have reasoned it out as well by using the 'March Around Jericho' approach. Sure, it probably looked silly to march around Jericho for six or seven days -- but they did it, and look at the result.
That said, I am not saying this is up there with that particular march. At the same time I am not degrading its worth and value and saying it is not. What I am saying is that simply in the same vein - this is God's work --
[and just now I almost took that out and had to stop myself from doing so, because that also would be hiding it just as putting the dolls away would have, as I know there are some that do not believe in God that come here, people whom I consider friends, we have always stayed respectful to each others beliefs, thank you so much and I love you too!]
-- and I am blessed to be a part of it. Please pray for the Orphan Dolls in your prayers, that their mission to teach people that we are called to help orphans -and widows, lets not forget the beautiful widows[ers], everywhere. Ask yourself what you can do to help and visit their website and share their story today.
Hugs all, and take care.
Oh yes! Still working for little Mara and Freddie! See ya later and take care.
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-Marjorie Holmes
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